4 (Stanley) [year 1983]

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The phone rang once... Twice... Three times... Four... Fi- "Pines residents."

"Stanford?" I adjusted the phone at my ear.

There was a pause. "Yeah."

"You sound... Different on the phone..." I twisted the cord around my finger. "It's (y/n)." I shook my head. "I only hope you're sane enough to understand this... I'm having a C-section tomorrow at Medford Medical Hospital. Be there or don't, I don't care, but this is your last chance, Ford. If you don't show then don't even bother calling. I want you in our son's life but I can make it without you. Choose your work or your family. Tomorrow at 9 am I go under. Be there when I come back out of the operating room. I really do love you. Good bye."

I moved to hang up but I heard his voice from the phone again. "Wait!"

I put the phone back to my ear. "What?"

"What room?"

"Room 203."

"I'll be there." The line went dead.

##time skip##

I slowly came back to. I sat myself up slowly and spotted a man and a nurse at the foot of my bed. "F-ford..." My vision cleared and I could see the man looked like Ford but it wasn't him... So who was it? Whoever it was, he had a mullet.

He turned toward me, a baby swaddled in blue in his arms. "Here, (y/n)." He passed me the baby and whispered in my ear. "My name is Stan. Play along."

I gave a quick nod. I looked down at my newborn son. I smiled.

The nurse clicked her pen. "We don't allow the father to name the baby without explicit permission from the mother before hand. What will you name him?"

I smiled at my baby. "Stanford Filbrick Pines Jr."

"Congratulations." The nurse left.

"Okay, she's gone. Who are you?"

"My name is Stanley Pines. Call me Stan. Ford was, I mean is, my twin brother. You'll never believe this but Ford got sucked through a portal and I took his identity... But I know he would have come if he could."

I shook my head in spite. "I doubt it. He was going a bit to the loony bin last time I saw him."

"You believe me about the portal?" It appeared he was surprised.

"Yes. I know very well what he was working on." I looked down at my son again, mostly to avoid Stan's eyes.

"Then will you give me a chance?"

"A chance for what?" I looked back up at him.

"A chance to help you and right Ford's wrongs... I don't know if he would have been a good dad, but please, let me try to stand in for him."

I blinked in surprise. This man, a stranger, was offering to act as a father to my son. I thought that seemed a bit fishy but what choice did I have. I lived in collage dorms on scholarship and didn't have a job. "I guess it wouldn't hurt to let you try... On two conditions."

"Name your price."

"One, you can't leave. I grew up in a broken home and I won't let it happen to my son. He either has a father all his life or not at all."

Stan nodded. "Consider it done. I won't leave. What's the second one?"

"From now on..." I pointed to his hair. "I cut your hair."

"Done and done." He laughed.

Teddy Bear (Stanley X Reader - With Some Ford For Spice)Where stories live. Discover now