17 (Wax Funeral)

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Stan stood in the front of the wax figure room where we'd set up a bunch of chairs. Dipper, Mabel, Soos, the wax figures, and I were the audience.

Stan smiled sadly. "Kids, Soos, Ex-wife, lifeless wax figures, thank you all for coming." Soos blew his nose. "Some people might say it's wrong for a man to love a wax replica of himself."

Soos jumps up beside me. "They're wrong!"

"Easy Soos. Wax Stan, I hope you're picking pockets in wax heaven." Stan wiped his eye. "I'm sorry, I got glitter in my eye!" He ran from the room crying. Soos followed.

I stood to follow but addressed the kids first. "You two had best solve this soon. Your uncle is an absolute wreck." I left the room to them and went to find Stan.

Time skip

I eventually found Stan and got him calmed down. I convinced him to come back to the room, which, as it turned out, may have been a bad thing.

Stan walked in and hardly needed a second to see all the melted wax everywhere. "Hot Belgian waffles! What happened to my parlor!?"

Mabel smiled. "Your wax figures turned out to be evil, so we fought them to the death!"

Dipper was holding a candle. "I decapitated Larry King."

Stan laughed heartily. "You kids and your imaginations!"

"On the bright side, though, look what we found." He handed Stan Wax Stan's head.

Stan smiled. "My head! Ha ha! I missed this guy! You done good kids! Alright, line up for some affectionate noogie-ing." They both tried to refuse but Stan still handed me the head and noogie-ed them.

Mabel and Dipper laughed.

Dipper looked at Mabel as she threw the last of the wax figures into the fire place. "So, did you get rid of all the wax figures?"

"I am ninety-nine percent sure that I did!" Mabel smiled.

"Good enough for me!" Said Dipper.

I heard a laugh from a vent and hurried over to it. In it was the wax head of Larry King. A very fat mouse walked up to it. "So you're a rat. Tell me about that."

The mouse ran off with his ear and Larry King started after it. "Hey, get back here! I'm hopping! I'm hopping after a rat that stole my ear!"

"Hey, guys..." I turned to the others. "It seems you missed one. Wax Larry King's head is in our vents."

Stan waved it off. "He can't hurt anything. It's just a head."

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