15 (Headhunter)

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The TV Constable spoke with the duck. "Well, duck-tective, it seems you've really quacked the case."

The duck quacked and the subtitles read. "Don't patronize me."

Stan laughed. "Stupid duck! Well, I'm gonna use the john." He looked at me and wax Stan. "You need anything?" I didn't say anything. "I love this guy!" He pointed at wax Stan. "Don't you go nowhere."

I left to get another pit cola. "Want a cola, Stan?" I called.

Stan screamed, "No.. No... Noooooo!"

"Okay. I won't get you one." I walked back to the living room and jumped at the sight of a beheaded glittery Stan.

"Wax Stan!" Stan exclaimed. "He's been... m-murdered!"

Time skip

Stan had called the police almost the moment we got out of our bed. "I got up to use the john, right? And when I come back, blammo! He's headless!"

"My expert handcrafting... besmirched." She was crying. "Beeessmmiiiirrrched!"

Dipper rubbed his chin. "Who would do something like this?"

Deputy Durland scratched his head. "What's your opinion, Sheriff Blubs?"

Sheriff Blubs shook his head. "Look, we'd love to help you folks, but let's face the facts... this case is unsolvable."

Stan pointed at him angerly. "You take that back, Sheriff Blubs!"

I put my hand on Stan's chest to stop him. "Calm down, now. Don't go giving yourself an aneurism."

He put his hand over mine and looked me in the face. I could see a twinge of dangerous anger in the back of his eyes. "Inside," I said. "We need to talk."

Teddy Bear (Stanley X Reader - With Some Ford For Spice)Where stories live. Discover now