note and 12 (call)

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I found that if I publish chapters then I can come back without WiFi and actually publish chapters for you guys 👫👬👭 only really expect them on weekdays but I should be able to get you more with this method.

"What?" I practically yelled. "You've only been dating Jerica a few months!"

"No mom. I haven't." There was a short pause as Jr seemed to deflate. "I haven't talked to you in two months, Mom. What have you been doing?"

I couldn't say much. The passing of time had gone away a long time ago now. I sat down on the couch. "Two... Two months... I'm sorry Jr... I didn't realize that it had been so long." I felt a tear role slowly down my cheek.

"What happened to you, mom? Dad was always making excuses for you about why you couldn't come to the phone. Every time I tried to call you you didn't have service and when you did you wouldn't pick up." Jr's voice wasn't angry. It was sad.

"I'm sorry, Jr... What can I do...?"

"Just be there... No matter what. I want you there to give me away."

"Give you away? Isn't that normally the bride and her father?"

"Traditionally yes. But Terry wants his mother to give him away so he's going to have you give me away. I like the idea."

I froze for a second thinking about what he said. "I'll be there but... He? Stanford? Are you marrying a man?"

Teddy Bear (Stanley X Reader - With Some Ford For Spice)Where stories live. Discover now