34 (Dad)

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"Hey, mom...?" Jr. asked as he sat down beside me. "You were saying the other day that we needed to talk about dad... does he not support me or something?"

"That's not it at all." I sighed. "I didn't want to have to tell you this however you're a young man and you deserve to know... Stan isn't you father..."


"Stan is not your biological father."

"So I..." He looked at his hands. "I'm not Stanford Jr?"

"No!" I grabbed his hands in mine. "You are Stanford Jr. Stan's name isn't Stanford Pines... It's Stanley Pines."

"Are they related?"

"They're twins." I let go of his hands and dropped my face into my hands. "I know this is going to sound crazy..."

"Mom..." He put his hand on my shoulder. "I don't want to know."

"You don't want to meet him?"

"He left us."

"Jr he didn't ha-"

Jr cut me off. "I don't care. Stan is the only dad I know and for all I care he is my Dad. I'll meet him but I will not refer to him as my Dad."

"Then you'll come back to Gravity Falls for a little?"

"The rest of summer. It can be our Honeymoon."

I smiled. I remembered the picture on my phone. "How much of your wedding night do you remember?"

"The reception to the champagne. About the fifth glass is blurs..."

"You drank ten. On the way out Mrs. Maple sent me this." I showed the picture of me escorting a drunk Jr. and Terry in wedding dresses down the stairs to my pick up. "I think she sent it to the entire guest list."

"I can't believe Terry got me to do that..." He handed back my phone. "It was a hard decision to go with veiled tuxes rather than dresses."

"You talked Terry into the dress."

"I did..."

"You did."

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