55 (I Love You)

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I stood nervously watching Stan. The timing of this yearly trip couldn't have been worse. Luckily I'd managed to attach some unicorn hair to their things. It was glued inside Dipper and Stan's hats and I'd attached it to Mabel's head band. It was also weaved into most of their clothing.

Stan slapped a bumper sticker on the RV that read "CAUTION: SILVERFOX AT THE WHEEL." Stan hummed. "Nice. And don't forget bug spray! It's perfect for spraying in the face of hitchhikers."

Dipper walked out of the shack. "Whoa. An RV? Camping gear? Are you running from the law again?"

Soos was on top of the RV. "Dude! It's the ultimate Oregon road trip adventure!"

I scoffed. "More like revenge trip. Every year tourist trap competitors prank the Mystery Shack. Last year those hooligans duct taped Soos to the ceiling."

Soos pulled the rope tight. "That was a fun 78 hours."

"Well, no more!" Stan pulled out a map of Oregon's tourist traps and handed it to Dipper. "This year we're visiting every tourist trap along the Redwood Highway, and I'm gonna prank back every single one."

Grenda ran up. "Bow wow! Time to let the road dogs bark!"

Candy seemed to appear behind her. "That is us. We are the road dogs."

Mabel smiled sweetly up at Stan. "Thanks for letting me bring Candy and Grenda along for our road trip, Grunkle Stan."

"The more the merrier. Just sign these non-disclosure agreements. None of your parents are lawyers, right?" Stan led Candy and Grenda into the RV.

Soos jumped down from the roof of the RV and indicated me and Dipper. "What do ya say, dudes? You comin'?"
I shook my head.

Mabel lifted Dipper's bag. "I already went to the trouble of packing all your stuff. Even the stuff you kept in that secret box under the bed."

I walked away to the front driver's window. "Be careful..."

"I always am. Except when I'm not. Which is often." Stan sat down on the seat, startling me. "Hiya, beautiful," he teased.

"Hey there, handsome." I smiled. "Please be careful..."

"Of course. I've got the kids... and Soos... I'll be careful."

"I know..." I grabbed his hand through the window. "You always are when you have the kids..."

"Yup." He stared at our hands.

"What's wrong?" I forced him to look at me.

"It's nothing big. I just wish you were coming with me is all..."

I smiled. I pressed my lips to his and held for a minute. I released and pressed my forehead to his. "I'll be waiting for you... and maybe I'll have a special treat for you..."

Stan gave a small laugh. "You do that." His watch beeped. "Time to go."

"See you in approximately 48 hours." I kissed him quickly again.

"48 hours." He kissed the back of my hand. "I love you."

I released his hand. "I love you too." I stepped back with a smile.

"Load up!" yelled Stan to the children.
I waved as he pulled out. Now... to work...

Teddy Bear (Stanley X Reader - With Some Ford For Spice)Where stories live. Discover now