27 (Fraud)

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I ran from my truck towards the shack at the sound of the crash. As I arrived I found that most of Gravity Falls was already there.

Stan came running up. "Wait! Stop everything! I've got somethin' to say!"

"Stan!" I called in surprise.

"Just wait! Look! You guys all think Gideon is so perfect and honest," He mocked Gideon, "'Oh! I could never tell a lie! I'm Gideon!'"

"Stan.." I mumbled to myself, knowing he couldn't hear me. "He's ten... Don't start that again..."

"How's this for psychic? Bam!" He kicked a giant Gideon shaped robot and a panel fell off. "Take a good look!"

Inside of the bot there are many screens showing the Gravity Falls' people.

Lazy Susan pointed at a screen I couldn't see from the back. "Wait a minute, is that me?"

Toby pointed at another. "And me!"

Most of the crowd yelled out and pointed at the screens.

"That's right, these pins are hidden cameras! And my hearing aid was picking up the feedback! Who's the fraud now?" Stan broke the pin revealing there was a camera in the eye of it.

The crowd all put away or hid the pins and looks at Gideon. Durland was near tears. "Gideon, we gave you our trust..."

Manly Dan was furious. "You lied to us!"

Gideon backed away from the advancing crowd. "Please, I... It's not what it looks like... What are you gonna do with me?"

Durland looked at Tyler. "Tyler?"

"Get 'im..." Cutebiker wiped his tears. "Get 'im!"

Blubs took a step forward. "Lil' Gideon, you are under arrest for conspiracy, fraud, and breaking our hearts. Durland, the tiny handcuffs."

Durland put the tiny handcuffs on Gideon.

Gideon exclaimed in surprise. "Wha- no!"

"Just one more thing!" I rushed forward. "Stan, if you would..."

"With pleasure." Stan picked up Gideon and shook out his pockets.

Gideon cried out as Stan shook him. "Let go of me! Ow! Ow! Ow!" The deed fell from his pocket along with a Journal marked 2.

I grabbed the deed. "I believe this belongs to you." I gave the deed to Stan.
Stan quickly picked up Journal 2 and put it in his pocket with the deed.

Gideon was being forced into the police car. "No! No! Watch the hair! You can't do this to me! Y'all are sheep! You need me! I'll be back! You'll hear from my lawyers!"

Shandra stood by us, microphone at the ready. "There you have it. Local hero Stanford Pines has just exposed Li'l Gideon as a fraud. Anything you have to say to the town, Stanford?"

Stan looked at me with a smile and in unison we said "The Mystery Shack is back, baby!"

Teddy Bear (Stanley X Reader - With Some Ford For Spice)Where stories live. Discover now