29 (Showtime)

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Stan's alarm clock woke us up, still in the lab. Stan jumped at the sound and knocked into my chair. "Oh right. Showtime."

My chair wobbled and I got up. "Surprising how romantic the portal light is."


I grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the elevator. "Let's get you ready for the day."

Time skip

I had stayed inside to make lunch while Stan was adresding the public from the make shift stage that was our back porch. I was drawn out by the sound of booing. It had taken me a moment to get out of the house and when I did Mabel was speaking. "We're doing a karaoke bonanza, people!" She grabbed a karaoke machine from beside her. "Light! Music! Enchantment!" She blew a hand full of confetti out of her hand and it the crowd. "And an amazing karaoke performance by our family band, Love Patrol Alpha!"

Dipper shook his head. "I don't know about that.

Stan was blunt. "I would never agree to that ever."

Mabel smiled. "Too late! I wrote your names on the list! It's happening!"

Wendy blew an air horn. "Buy a ticket, people! You know you don't have anything going on in your lives! I'm talking to you, Pizza Guy! Don't lame out on me!" The tourists followed Wendy to the front.

I stepped out side. "Sandwiches are on the counter."

Stan sighed happily. "The town loves us, we finally got that Gideon smell out of the carpet. Everything is finally going my way."

Dipper turned to Stan "Hey, Grunkle Stan. Now that we have a moment. I've been meaning to ask you for my journal back."

"Wha? Journal?" He pretended to search himself for the journal as I pulled it from the large pocket on the left inside of my lab coat. "Oh!" Stan laughed. "You mean this old thing! It was so boring I couldn't even finish it."

In truth we'd spent most of last night copying the thing with Stan's cursed printer.

Dipper took it in shock. "Wait, you're just gonna give it to me? Just like that?"

Stan shook his head at the boy. "What else do you want? A kiss on the cheek?"

"I... I gotta go!" Dipper dragged Mabel with him into the house.

"Don't forget your food you guys! I made them special!" I yelled after them.

"So..." Stan rocked back and forth on his heels.

"Soos. Leave us." I sat on the couch.

"Yes, Mrs. Pines." He walked off.

"Sit." I patted the seat beside me. "We need to talk." He sat and I grabbed his hand. "Let's talk."

He sighed. "Did you mean it?"

"I wouldn't lie to you, Stan." I looked at his hands. "I do love you." I looked up at him as he stared at our clasped hands.

Stan tried twice to say something but stopped himself both times.

"I love you." I sighed. "I won't make you say it, Stanley, but I really do love you." I stood to leave.

Stan's hands kept me. "I said I do didn't I?"

"Sorry. What?"

"I said I do. 19 years ago. I have never lied to you."

I smiled. "Then..."

"I love you, (y/n) Pines." He looked up at me. "I do."

"I do." I smiled wide and leaned down to kiss him. Before our lips touched something rammed into my butt, knocking me into Stan's lap. I looked up at Stan a laughed as the goat bellowed. "Even the dumb goat wants us together."

Stan helped me up and kissed my cheek. "I think he just doesn't like you."

"Funny." I scrunched my noise at him.

Turns out that I lost like 1/4 this chapter and that is SO not okay. I have amended the problem.

Teddy Bear (Stanley X Reader - With Some Ford For Spice)Where stories live. Discover now