24 (Tickets)

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I turned my radio on and heard the voice of Shandra Jimenez "In a movement that has all of Gravity Falls buzzing, child psychic Gideon Gleeful has taken surprise ownership of the Mystery Shack, previously belonging to area shyster, Stanford Pines."

"Oh he's not that bad..." I said to my radio.

"Now that you have the shack, what exactly are you planning to do with it?"

Gideon's voice was certainly cheerful. "I have a big announcement to make today, and I'd like to cordially invite all the good people of Gravity Falls to join me. Free admission to anyone who wears their Gideon pins! It's my face!"

I hit the off button on the radio. I pulled into Soos' drive and Stan came our to meet me.

Stan put his hand on the side of my door. "We gotta get the Shack back."

"Agreed." I cut the engine. "Get in." I put my window up.

Stan climbed into the passenger seat of the truck. "So how do we do it?"

"Look in the glove box." I stared at my hands in my lap.

He opened the box and took out the two tag board pieces. "Are these?"

"Yes." I looked at him. "We can't keep them here. They have to go home. We don't have a home or source of income anymore and what I have won't take care of all four of us. I just don't have that much on me..."

Stan sighed. "You're right..." There was an awkward pause as he shoved the tickets in hid pocket. "You know... I actually had trouble sleeping last night..."

"I would have too..." I looked at him.

Something in his eyes told me it wasn't the couch that kept him from sleeping.

I'm going to be publishing a lot of drafts to get ready for my 5 day weekend that is Thanksgiving break. Don't bother to read it if it still say draft for the title. I will change it when publishing the chapter! Thank you!

Teddy Bear (Stanley X Reader - With Some Ford For Spice)Where stories live. Discover now