51 (Bye Bye Baby Boy)

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"Are you sure you have to go?" I asked, hugging my baby boy.

"Sorry Momma." Jr smiled at me. "I have to go. Terry has already booked our flight to Paris. Looks like that French one class might actually have been useful."

"Amusez-vous en France avec votre mari, Jr." I smiled.

"No clue what you're saying."

"You may want to work on that French then." I hugged him again as they called his flight. "I'm going to miss you so much. I'm glad you decided not to change your name."

"You were right..." He grabbed his carry on. "He did deserve the second chance..."

"When have I ever been wrong?"

"Never." He sighed. "You should give him a second chance too..."

"He blew his second chance with that tie."

"Then give him a third... He's still in love with you... he tried to hide it but I saw through that."

"I doubt that he'd appreciate you telling me this..."

"No..." Jr rubbed the back of his head. "He really wouldn't like it... but Ford didn't swear me to secrecy towards you, only Dad."

"You're not accepting Ford As your dad?"

"I know he didn't have much choice after going through that thing but it doesn't seem fair to just stop having Dad be my Dad... Ford will stay Ford and Stan will stay Dad... and I will stay Stanford Filbrick Pines Junior..."

They called last call on Jr's flight.

I wrapped my arms around him one last time and kissed his cheeks. "Au revoir, mon petit garçon. Good bye, my little boy. I love you, Jr."

"I love you too, Mom. Good bye." Jr started off towards his terminal. "Au revoir, Maman!" He waved before passing through security.

Teddy Bear (Stanley X Reader - With Some Ford For Spice)Where stories live. Discover now