60 (Life Line)

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I walked up the stairs with Stan to check on Mabel. She'd looked pretty bummed when she got home earlier.
Mabel was looking through her scrapbooks. She sighed as we came in.
Stan walked up behind her. "Hey, is everything all right, pumpkin?"

Mabel looked up at us. "I just can't believe the summer's almost over. And now that I know how awful high school's going to be, I'm in no hurry to start that train wreck."

Stan put his arm around her shoulder. "Ah, nobody likes gettin' older."

I pulled her close to me and hugged her tight. "But just because you're growing doesn't mean you have to grow up, you know? I mean, look at us."

"Yeah, I'm pushin' seventy and I still eat ice cream for dinner." Stan smiled comfortingly.

Mabel looked back and forth between us. "But I don't wanna say goodbye to Gravity Falls."

I kissed the top of her head. "Whatever happens after this summer, you'll still have your brother along with you through thick and thin."

"Not everyone can say that, you know." Stan noogied her and left.

"Your brother is always there for you and if you ever need anything, I have a phone, a car, and a bed forever stained with glitter. I'll be there for you." I gave her another squeeze and kissed her forehead. I left with a frown that I didn't want Mabel to see.

At the beginning of the summer I would have happily sent them back to Piedmont. I was tired of all the yarn and broken pens and I'd hated sitting in glitter or finding markers in the most random places. But that wasn't so any more. I'd gotten used to my pants being covered in glitter and markers in my pockets. Mabel had become the daughter I never had. I would miss her so much. Then I got an idea. I pulled out my phone with a smile and scrolled until I found their parents number.

*extremely short time skip*

I chased a gnome from the shop with a broom as my phone rang. I raced to answer it, hopes high. "(Y/n) Pines. Who's speaking?"

"Hi, (y/n). This is Jenny Pines. Mason and Mabel's mom. You said you had a question regarding Mabel."

"Of course! I've been waiting for your call." I smiled brightly. "I'm married to Stan and I absolutely love your little girl. She is absolutely amazing."

"Mabel has that effect on people."

"She's having some troubles with the fact that she's got to go home in a week. I know you hardly know me in person but I was wondering if I could keep Mabel here. I would educate her my self."

There was a pause. "What makes you qualified?"

"I have degrees in mythology and engineering as well as biochemistry and chemical engineering. And minors in french and teaching." I leaned against the counter of the empty shop. "I am asking you sincerely. Mabel has become like the daughter I never had to me."

There was another pause. "I don't know... I will have to talk it over with her dad. I'll call you on Thursday morning to let you know."

"Thank you so much, Jenny. Mabel will be so excited." I felt a tear of joy well in my eye and I blinked it away. "I'll talk to you soon."

"I'll be in touch." The line went dead.

Teddy Bear (Stanley X Reader - With Some Ford For Spice)Where stories live. Discover now