5 (Does it end?) [year[s] 1983, 1988, 1993]

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I handed Stan the bottle of baby milk and rubbed my eyes. "Here..."


"Thank God." Stan put the nipple of the bottle into Jr.'s mouth and he went quiet as he sucked the milk from the bottle. "Finally."

"This is our lives..." I plopped myself on the couch.

"What do you mean?"

"He's a month old. Do you know when they stop keeping you up at night?" I stretched myself across the couch.

"Well I was hoping for tonight but that's not happening." He sat on the floor beside me with his back to the couch.

"That's just it, Stan. They don't ever stop. If its not one thing its another... Feeding time and diaper become nightmares and bed wetting. Those grow into girl trouble and driving. You don't ever stop worrying."

"Yeah." Stan looked down at the baby in his arm. "But I don't think I'd want it to end." He removed the bottle from his mouth. "He's finally asleep..."

I took the bottle from him with a yawn. "You know..." I smiled. "I don't either..." Slowly I fell asleep, face down on the couch.

##time skip##


I was woke by the hushed voice of Jr. in my room.

Jr. shook Stan lightly. "Daddy? Can I sleep with you?"

I sat up a little. "Jr. Come over here." He walked around to my side of the bed. "What's wrong?"

"I had a nightmare." He climbed up into my bed between me and Stan. "I was being chased by a giant gnome and you and Daddy were being chased by the eye bats and when I tried to yell for help no one could hear me and I fell down the bottomless pit. Then I woke up."

I wrapped my arms around him. "Don't worry. It was just a bad dream." I smiled. Jr. quickly fell asleep in my arms. I continued smiling as I stared at my son wrapped in my arms. I kissed his forehead.

Stan rolled over to face me. "What was wrong?" he wispered.

"He had a nightmare."

"What about?"

"The gnomes and eye bats."

Stan layed out his hand out beside our heads on the pillow. "Being parents is hard."

I grabbed his hand. "But boy is it worth it."

##time skip##

"I'm Mr. Mystery. Welcome to a land of wonder! The Murder Hut!" Stan introduced the shack to the tourists.

I laughed in my head as I waited for Jr.'s to get back from school. I watched as Stan showed a bunch of fake things to the visitors. The real stuff just freaked people out.

A bus stopped infront of the Murder Hut and Jr. stepped off, looking rather unhappy.

I walked up to him. "What's wrong, Jr.? You don't look happy."

"Momma, why isn't your last name the same as daddy's?" The question surprised me. He pulled a family tree from his bag. "All of my friends' parents have the same last names..."

"Um..." I didn't know what to say. Do I tell its because I don't love Stan and he's not his father or just avoid the question all together. How do you tell something like that to your 10 year old? Lucky me I didn't have to.

"(Y/n)!" Stan called.

"Coming!" I ran to another room, leaving Jr. to begin on his homework without me for now. I sighed. "We've got a problem..."

"You're tellin' me. There's a gnome in the gift shop again!"

"Stan! We have bigger problems than gnomes!" I hissed. I grabbed his large, muscular arm. "Jr. just asked me why we don't have the same last name. He's ten so that means..."

"That is a problem..." Stan turned toward me and lifted my and off his arm. "What do we do?"

"Two options. One, we fill the hole we've dug and tell the truth or two..." I didn't want to say it.


"Or we..." It almost hurt to say that much! There was no way I'd be able to go through with that. Even if we shared a bed, I considered him nothing more than a friend and the brother of the man I loved.

"We get hitched." His face said he didn't want to do that any more than I did. "You take my name..."

"Like an arranged marriage." I wanted to barf.

"Yeah... But we can't exactly tell him the truth can we?"

"We don't have much of a choice do we?" I crossed my arms as I saw the gnome scurry out the window of the gift shop with a jar of honey.

"Guess not..." Stan handed me a small box with the words "Murder Hut" written on top. "Here."

I opened it. Inside was a cheap gold painted plastic ring with a smiley face on it rather than a gem. It was one of the best selling novelty knock offs we sold.

"May as well do this right if we want to be believed..."

I slipped on the ring. "I guess we get married then..." I still didn't like it but the alternative was worse.

" I still didn't like it but the alternative was worse

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