65 (Let's Get This Started)

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McGucket laid out some blueprints. "Alright. I've made some thingamadiculous robomajigs in my day, but this is the first one that won't be used for evil."

Dipper was awestruck. "Whoa! These blueprints are incredible, McGucket."
Mabel looked at it. "This is your most amazing invention yet."

Soos looked at his a seriously asked, "Question, does it have any gun-swords? I watch a lot of anime and, uh, trust me, you're gonna want some gun-swords."

McGucket was confused. "What's an 'anime'?"

Soos gave a quick nod. "We have much to discuss."

Stan interupted. "Discuss nothing! These scribbles are a bunch of cockamamie balderdash! Excuse my French."

A French lilliputtian piped up, "Je ne sais quoi sacrebleu au revoir!" He clearly didn't know French either.

Stan ignored the creature. "And where would you even find a bunch of idiots who would be crazy enough to build it?"

Mabel smiled. "Grunkle Stan, you're looking at those idiots."

Everyone cheered.

I was angry. Not as angry as Stan but still mad. All the people we'd saved and they couldn't stop to listen to what we had to say about the ludicrous idea.

Tiny time skip

People started taking things from the shack without asking. "Whoa-what! What are you--?" I was bumped into by a miniature who didn't apologize. "H-hey now! Hey hey! Don't touch that!" They took the counter from where it was attached to the floor. "Hey! Aah!"

Time skip

I stood watching over everyone outside the Shack, everyone wearing Mabel's sweaters. I was not okay with all this. I was watching for eye bats from just above the group.

Stan sat beside me, glaring at the group. "I can't.... they just had..... his fault....." He sat mumbling and grumbling about them.

"Go check on them." I growled staring off towards the, as it'd been deemed by the others, Fearamid. Bill hadn't sent any eye bats out for a long time now so he had to be planning something big.

I listened as Stan approached the group, my eyes trained diligently on the fearamid.

Stan hadn't stopped complaining. "This whole plan is bonkers. But of course no one asked the chief what he thinks. After all I've done for everyone!"

Shmebulock Jr sat by him. "Shmebulock."

Stan agreed. "Yeah, exactly, it's a total load of Shmebulock."

Mabel approached Stan from the corner of my eye. "Is something wrong, Grunkle Stan? You're acting grunklier than usual."

"It's this darn plan to save my brother. If you didn't notice, I already saved him once from that portal, and he never thanked me! He causes the end of the world, and still somehow it's always 'Stan's the screw-up. Ford's the hero.'"

I looked away from the fearamid as Dipper walked up. "Well maybe people think he's a hero because he didn't want to hide in the Mystery Shack!"

Stan crossed his arms. "Well maybe if he hid in the Mystery Shack, he wouldn't have been captured!"

I don't know what was said next because sudenly I went rigid.  I turned the upper half of my body just in time to see the eye bat.

  I turned the upper half of my body just in time to see the eye bat

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Teddy Bear (Stanley X Reader - With Some Ford For Spice)Where stories live. Discover now