68 (The New Mr. Mystery)

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Ford led Stan and I behind the shack. "I didn't wanna say anything with everyone listening, but we've got a problem. Weirdmageddon has been contained but I'm detecting some strange new anomalies near the arctic ocean." He showed us a holographic map of the world on his watch. "I want to go investigate it but I think I might be too old to go it alone."

Stan smiled. "Are you sayin' you need someone to help you sail around the world in the adventure of a lifetime?"

"I don't just want someone to come with me Stanley, I want it to be you." Ford gave Stan a still forgotten memory. The picture of them as kids posing on the Stan-o-War. "Will you give me a second chance?"

Stan smiled. "You think we'll find treasure? And babes?"

Ford looked at me, knowing well that Stan didn't remember most of our life together apart from this summer. "Heh! I'd say there's a high probability. But, what should we do with the Mystery Shack?"

"I think the town's had enough mystery for one lifetime." I smiled at the boys.

"Are you thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?" Stan asked me.

A few moments later, we'd decided what to do with the Shack.

Stan looked like he remembered something. "(Y/n)? You made a call about Mabel staying right? Did you get an answer?"

I smiled sadly and nodded. "Jenny said..."

Time skip

Stan tapped a Pitt cola bottle. "Everyone, I have an announcement to make. Me and my...heh!... nerdy bro over here have some catchin' up to do. We're gonna be away for a while. That's why I'm shutting down the Mystery Shack for good."

The crowd murmured.

Soos ran up on the porch . "You shut down your mouth for good! I'm sorry, Mr. Pines. It's just that this shack is the most magical place on Earth. Sure, the attractions are all fake, but dreams aren't fake!" He held up a fiji mermaid taxidermy. "Like, this mermaid. It's not just a dead fish butt sewn to a monkey carcass. It's a marvelous creature that makes us believe that anything is possible. You shut down this shack, and you shut down our dreams! At least...my dreams."

Stan sighed. "I'm sorry, Soos. It's just, there's no one around to run it. At least, there wouldn't be if I hadn't just found the perfect replacement." Stan put his fez on Soos.

I threw up my arms to catch everyone's attention. "Ladies and gentleman, the Mystery Shack is under new management."

The crowd cheered. Soos looked at Stan. "You...you mean it, Mr. Mystery?"

Stan smiled. "You're Mr. Mystery now, Soos. Try not to burn the place down."

I smiled. I touched Mabel's shoulder and brought her inside with me. "I need to speak with you, sweetheart."

"What is it, Grantie (y/n)?" She looked up at me.

I stared at her with a smile for a moment. I grabbed the markers from my pocket. "I called your mom to see if you could stay with me and..."


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