47 (Thoughtless Ford...)

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I sat in the back row of the stands at the stump speeches. A sign hung across two trees saying: "General Mayoral Stump Speeches" and Tyler was delivering a surprisingly rousing speech. "Education, get it. Prosperity, get it. A Gravity Falls we can be proud of, get iiiiit!" The audience claped.

Sherif Blubs reset the microphone. "And now, Stanford Pines!"

Stan entered from between the curtans. "Hiya there! Stan Pines here. Let's get real. Do you think the women of Gravity Falls wear too much makeup?" Stan stopped for a moment. "Uh, what I meant to say was: you ladies all look great. And have you done something with your hair? Girl, you are working it!" Stan snapped his fingers.

"That's odd..." I mumbled. "Stan is never that agreeable..."

"Whew!" Stan wiped his forehead. "I'm Stan Pines. You may know me as the guy who accidentally let all those bees loose in that elementary school a few years back... But I believe in things. America. Freedom. Ameri-freedom!"

I eyed Stan. This was not the normal Stan. "Like my opponent pointed out, I may not have a pretty face, but if you want a candidate that will listen to you, well, I'm proud to be all ears." He poibted out his large ears. "Now watch me break it DOWN!" Stan began break dancing.

I stood silently among the cheering crowd. I walked out, angry. Stan had thrown out his hip dancing with me and it was not nearly as strenuous as break dancing. Something fishy was going on and I had a feeling that Ford had something to do with it.

I burst through the door when I got home and scared Waddles. I stomped to the vending machine and punched in the code. "STANFORD!"

Both Jr and Ford came running from the basement.

I stamped my on the ground. "What is happening with Stan?"

Jr looked at Ford. "That's on you." Jr sorta backed away, trying to look small as not to attract my attention and in turn my wrath.

"I gave the kids a mind control tie." Ford said, unfazed by my anger.

"You did WHAT?!" I yelled. "That is NOT okay, Ford!"

Ford shrugged, a slight of defensive entering his eyes. "Worked for Reagan's masters through the entire presidency."

"HE IS YOU BROTHER! NOT REAGAN!" I screamed, the full force of my wrath coming down upon the man. Even at 5 foot 4 inches my wrath was enough to scare Manly Dan.


I noticed Jr disappear down to the basement but I ignored him. My fury was all focused on Ford right now. "FOR A GENIUS YOU SURE ARE AN IDIOT!" There was no way he'd be able to out yell me. I wouldn't allow it. "YOU KNOW HE'S A DROP OUT! AND LOOK WHAT HE MANAGED! HE GOT THE PORTAL WORKING AGAIN! NOT ME! HE STARTED A BUSINESS! HE RAISED YOUR CHILD! HE WENT TO THE TOWN MEETING! HE DECIDED TO TRY TO BECOME MAYOR! HE DID IT ON HIS OWN! LOOK AT YOU! YOU CAN'T EVEN THANK HIM!" I felt like punching something. "LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE! YOU NEARLY RUINED YOUR CHANCE WITH JR! YOU BUILT A MACHINE THAT COULD DESTROY THE WORLD! YOU IGNORED ME WHEN YOU STARTED ON THE PORTAL! I don't know if STAN WAS RIGHT! I DON'T KNOW IF YOU WOuld have made a good father." My voiced lowered as I ran low on energy. I noticed the tears on my face now. I wiped them away.

Ford stood silent for a moment, his head down in shame. "I'm sorry..."

"No you're not." I turned away from him and stomped towards the door. "I'm going to go buy ice cream and cake. I don't want to see you for a while..." I didn't wait for him to respond. I slammed the door behind me.

 I slammed the door behind me

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I used my own height.

Teddy Bear (Stanley X Reader - With Some Ford For Spice)Where stories live. Discover now