45 (Town Meeting)

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Sheriff Blubs called the meeting to order. "Alright. Order! Order everyone! Calm down now! We're here to choose a mayor for the first time in almost a century. According to the town charter... " He unrolled an old scroll as a bat flew out of it. "...a worthy candidate is defined as anyone who can cast a shadow, count to ten, and throw their hat into the provided ring." On cue Deputy Durland brought out a hoop and placed it on the floor.

Bud Gleeful immediately threw his hat in it. "Well now I do believe I fulfill all the requirements."

Dipper looked at Mabel. "Wait, Bud Gleeful?"

Mabel considered him a second. "He looks good... Considering we threw his son in jail."

Stan sat back. "That was a good day."

Bud calmed the clamoring croud. "Now folks, I know our family's had its fair shares of whoopsie daisies in the past, but I'd like to make up for it by formally announcing my candidacy for the mayor of Gravity Falls! Any questions?"

"I can't believe he's going to do this. He'll let his son out..." I said to Stanley beside me. "Not to mention what he'd do to this town..."

Dipper said, as though on cue, "It's a shame Ford isn't here, he'd run. And win! And be a great mayor!"

At that second I could see the jealousy for his brother in Stan's face.

Bud smiled. "So since everyone's happy I'll just take the oath of office now, sound good, gavel up?"

Stan threw his fez in the hoop, and everyone gasped. "Hold it right there Bud! I'm taking you on!"

"S-Stanford?" Bud stammered. "No o-ffence but you're just some two-bit carnival barker. And your head is more ears than face!"

Stan looked determined. "Oh yeah? Well your face is more fat... than... not fat!" Everyone gasped. "Whaddya say folks? Are we just gonna let Bud win? How about a real election!"

Tyler Cutebiker smiled and threw his hat. "Get in there, cap!"

Bud looked like he actually feared having opposition. "Well, looks like we've got some competition here folks. Which I'm fine with, totally fine with!" Bud pulled Stan towards him and spoke quietly... but not quietly enough that I couldn't hear. "I was gonna let bygones be bygones Stan, but you just made a powerful enemy. I'll win either way, and when I do, you might not like the Gravity Falls you wake up in!" He punched out the Mystery Shack on a map of Gravity Falls hanging on the wall.

Teddy Bear (Stanley X Reader - With Some Ford For Spice)Where stories live. Discover now