8 (Girlfriend) [year: finally to 2012]

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I pushed the button to start the portal... Nothing. I needed the other two journals... But where were they? The second journal wasn't where I'd hidden it and only Ford know what he did with the third one... I sighed. I checked the fuel levels to see if it was at least trying to start but it wasn't.

"(Y/n)!" called Stan from upstairs.

I checked the security cameras before going up.

"What?" I stood in the living room.

Stan was still in his underwear. He passed me the phone. "Its Jr."

I took a deep breath to clear my head and took the phone. "Hello Jr."

"Hi mom! You'll never guess what happened!" He at least sounded excited.

"What is it, Jr.?"

"I got a girlfriend!"

'He's excited about that?!' I kept my thoughts to my self. "That's great! I'm happy for you hon."

"Her name is Jerica and she's tall and pretty. She has blue eyes and long brown hair. I think she might be the one."

"That's great, Jr.!" I yawned. I looked at my watch. It was only noon. Maybe I was getting old.

"I got to go, that's her on other line. Call you next week. Love ya."

"Love you too Jr." The line went dead and I put it back on the base. "That was short..."

"He talked to me for two hours first." Stan stood and stretched. "How long has it been since you actually slept? And just lying in our bed doesn't count."

"I don't know. Two days?" I shrugged. "I worked through last night."

"Well you need sleep." He pointed at a miorror in another room through the open door. "You look horrible."

"I can't look that bad..." I walked up to the miorror. I did look that bad. Although my skin had mostly retained its beauty from my youth I still had slight laugh lines and crow's feet at my eyes. Worry lines were just beginning to set in as well. My skin was a full two shades lighter than normal and my now very long hair was gray for three inches from the roots. There were sleep deprivation bags under my eyes. I looked dead on my feet. "I do need sleep."

Stan appeared in the doorway in the miorror. "Could you help me with this second bed?"

"What do you need a second bed for?"

"It's not for me. Sorry. Still stuck with me." He folded his arms. "Its for our nephew, Dipper."

"Wait. What?" I remembered us visiting our nephew and niece about 12 years ago to meet their twins, Mable and Mason. Stan had fought with his brother Shermie over holding the twins.

"Shermie's grandkids." Stan straightened his fez. "Their coming over for the summer."

"You didn't discuss this with me..."

"We're 'divorced' remember?" Stan pulled on his pants. "I don't have to discuss anything with you. They're going to be here on the first bus from California."

"There's a bus straight from California to Oregon?"

"Guess so? Anyway I need your help to get this bed upstairs." He tucked his shirt.

"Fine." I turned away from the miorror. "But afterwards I am going to take a nap."

Teddy Bear (Stanley X Reader - With Some Ford For Spice)Where stories live. Discover now