Ranmaru X Reader (Utapri)

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This first request is from HibikiRanmaru. Hope you enjoy^^

Ranmaru X Reader- Tsunmaru 

🍭Kandi Raver Queen🍭


     It was a normal day at the master course and I was out walking about trying to find so inspiration for a new song. Yes, if you didn't know I'm a music composer. I mainly compose music for Quartet Night but I've also composed a few for Starish.  As I'm walking something caught my attention and made me stop in my tracks. 'Ranmaru? Is he playing with a kitty? So cute!' I internally squealed, quietly making my way closer to the tsundere. I hid behind a tree that was behind him and silently watched the two. 

     Soon the kitty jumped on the silver-haired idol's head and played with his hair. Ranmaru chuckled and pet the kitty's head. 'Awwwww! Who knew this tsundere could be such a softy.' So the kitty jumped down and left. Just as the rocker stood up I walked out from behind the tree. "So I never knew you had a soft spot for little kittens," I teased. Ranmaru made a tsk sound before turning away from me.

     "What the hell do you want, brat?" the rocker grumbled. His tone and words hurt a little but I refused to let it show.

     "Nothing. I was just out walking when I saw you with that cat and decided to watch. You know you should smile more often. It suits you way better than that grumpy frown you show everyone," After saying this I could see Ranmaru tense up. 

       "W-whatever, baka," he stuttered. "Just leave me be," I smirked as an idea popped into my head.

        "Oh? is the tsundere embarrassed? Eh, Tsunmaru?" I teased with a giggle. Ranmaru spun around towards me with his face darker than Otoya's hair.  I internally chuckled at this.

       "W-what the hell did you just call me?! I'm not a tsundere, baka!" I broke out into a fit of laughter.

        "Okay first off if you weren't a tsundere you wouldn't get so embarrassed and defensive when called one and secondly you wouldn't say baka as much as you do. Sorry, Tsunmaru but you're a total tsundere," I said, continuing to laugh a storm. I could tell Ranmaru was getting pissed at this point but I just couldn't help it.

        While I was too busy laughing to death Ranmaru smirked evilly. Without warning, I was pushed against the tree with my hands pinned above my head. "Um, Ranmaru what are you doing?" I asked, fear evident in my tone. Instead of verbally answering me Ranmaru slammed his lips on mine. I was too shocked to do anything so I just stood there a blushing mess.

     After a few seconds, he pulled away with a sly smirk. "W-what w-was t-th-that f-for?" I stuttered.

      "Payback. Maybe next time you'll think twice before trying to tease me," Ranmaru ruffled my hair before leaving.

       'I should tease him more often.' I thought while placing a  finger on my lips as I'm smiling brightly.

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