Kuro X Muted Bullied Lil Sis Reader Pt 2 (Servamp)

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Hello, Minna-san! So Pt2 of this was requested by both JasonCavinessJr and MukamiRindou. Hope you two enjoy (★^O^★)

🍭Kandi Raver Queen🍭


It's been a week since I told Kuro about what's been going on at school and I haven't been bullied since. Kuro told Mahiru and so the next day Mahiru had his friends agree to help protect me from the bullies. Now I've actually been able to form a smile without having to force it. Today was no different and when Mahiru and I entered the house I silently sighed in content. "Huh? Where's Kuro?" Mahiru asked looking at me. I shrug and write that I was sure wherever he would come back home once he was hungry. Mahiru read my response and laughed. "yeah, no doubt about that,"

After that, I make my way inside my room. My eyes widened when I noticed Kuro sitting up on my bed. He turned towards me and gestured me over. When I was right next to him he pulled me into his lap.  "How was school today?" he asked lazily.  I wrote down good and that ever since last week I haven't had any issues with the bullies on my notepad before showing it to him. He nods in response and wraps his arms around my waist. I asked if he's okay on the notepad only to receive a groan from the blue-haired vampire. "What a pain," he whined. 

I looked at him questionly. Kuro let out a heavy sigh and started to mumble something but I could really hear him so I asked if he could repeat what he said louder. "I said I love you. I know you see me as a brother but I see you as much more than a sibling. Ugh, confessing is so troublesome!" he groaned. I stared at him face a cherry face unable to even write any response. Kuro must have taken it as rejection and tried to move me off of him and leave but and I quickly clung to him.

"I-I l-love y-yo-you t-too," I said, surprising both of us. Kuro and I both locked eyes and leaned in until our lips touched in a gentle kiss. Just then my brother entered my room.

"Hey, (Y/n) I was wondering what you wanted for dinne-" Mahiru stopped dead in his tracks and stared at us shocked as we pulled back. 

"H-hello, brother," By now Mahiru was so shocked he just walked away. I laughed at this and turned my attention back to Kuro. "So this means we're together now, right?" I timidly asked. Kuro hummed and pulled me down on the bed before wrapping his arms around me protectively.

"I'm tired. Confessing was such a pain," Kuro whined. I giggled at his childish behavior and kissed his cheek before falling asleep.

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