Yandere Tsubaki X Fem. Subclass Reader Lemon (Servamp)

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This is another request from PaulinaHikari. As some of you may have noticed I've put this book on hold. I plan on finishing PaulinaHikari's final request soon and after that, I'm going to take a small break from updating this book. I promise it won't be too long. Right now I just need time to work on other things. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter  ▼ω▼

 🍭Kandi Raver Queen🍭


"Why?! Why did you do it Tsubaki?!" I cried as I looked at my fellow subclasses pale dead corpses with their blood filling most of the room. I sat in the corner of the room, my small form trembling. The said male slowly walked up to me and cupped my face. 

"I saw the way they all looked at you with those hungry eyes of theirs. I couldn't let them take my precious, (Y/n) from me," I slightly blush at his words. 

"Wh-what a-are y-yo-you t-talking a-about?" I asked while stuttering like crazy. Tsubaki laughed for a moment and then turned serious. 

"They wanted to take you away from me. To make you theirs, (y/n). I couldn't allow them to steal my love from me," My eyes shot wide open as my blush intensely darkened.

"Y-yo-you l-lo-love m-me? I-I-I l-love you to," Tsubaki gave me a soft genuine smile. I looked at him in awe as we both leaned in. Soon our lips met for a sweet kiss. The once sweet kiss soon transformed into a hot need makeout session. Tsubaki wrapped my legs around his waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He then lifts me up and takes me to his room. 

Tsubaki sets me down on the bed and crawls on top of me. He then roughly nibbles on my neck earning a loud moan from me once he found my weak spot. "Ahh, Tsubaki~," The said male chuckled. 

"Looks like my precious subclass is being naughty. Maybe she wants to be punished," I bit my lip and rubbed my legs together to try to control my heat. Tsubaki noticed this and stripped us both of our clothing. He then hovered over me and kissed me passionately as he thrust himself inside of me without any warning. I cried in pain for a few minutes but it all soon faded into pleasure.

Tsubaki's thrusts became rougher with inhuman speed. I arched my back and mewled loudly. Pretty soon we both reached our limits and released. "That was just...wow," I panted. Tsubaki chuckled while pulling out of me and laid down next to me before covering us with the blankets and wrapping his arms around me.

"I agree, my Queen," he said kissing my forehead. I close my eyes and relax, eventually falling asleep in his arms. 

"You don't ever have to worry my dear. I will kill all those who seek to take you away from me," 

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