Sasuke X Deaf Reader (Naruto)

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Hello, Minna-san! This is a request from QueenOfDespair108.  In this what I did was cut out  Orochimaru's involvement, took away Sasuke's thought of revenge, and it so you guys are in high school. Also when I found this picture I nearly died of laughter. Anyways,  I hope you enjoy ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ

🍭Kandi Raver Queen🍭  


There they go once again. All the poor boy did was walk in the classroom and now he's being surrounded by a large number of annoying girls he truly couldn't care much less about. Who was this boy I'm talking about? The one and only Sasuke Uchiha. Ever since the incident with his clan happened and he became more distant towards others, girls from all over have been fawning over him. They all claim they love him but they don't even know him. They only want him for his looks, skill, and reputation. They'll never truly care for him like I do. 

My name is (Y/n) (L/n) and I was Sasuke's best friend back before the incident.  We used to be so close back then. Even though I'm deaf and only communicate through notepad we were the best of friends. Now, I'd be lucky to be considered an acquaintance. He just stopped talking to me. He doesn't even look at me anymore. So here I am watching him from afar. The truth is, I've always had feelings for Sasuke but it doesn't matter. He never felt the same and he never will. 

I cover my ears as Sasuke's fangirls all squeal and fawn over the raven-haired male. I roll my eyes at them and end up meeting eye to eye with Sasuke. For a brief second, I could have sworn there was a small smirk on his face but within seconds it was gone and back to its stoic expression.  I looked away and hid the light blush that formed on my cheeks.


Class ended and everyone was leaving the room. I was gathering my things when someone slyly slipped a note on my desk. I picked up the note and read it. 

"Meet me outside behind the building after school." the note said. I had no name on it so I was clueless as to who could have written it. I slipped the note in my packet and continued on with my day.

Another time skip~

I went behind the building after school just like the note said to. When I got there I was completely shocked to see Sasuke there waiting for me. "Uchiha-san?" I wrote on my notepad and showed it to him.

"When did you start using formalities? We're friends, remember? There's no need for the formalities." he softly chuckled. I frowned and wrote my response on the notepad.

"You haven't spoken to me since before the incident. You've completely ignored my existence up until now. Therefore, I wouldn't call us friends." Sasuke looked shocked. He then looked down.

"I've been dealing with a lot." 

"Really? because to me and looks like the only thing you're dealing with is always being surrounded by fangirls. You were my only friend and you left me all alone. For so long I've been watching out for you at a distance but you never cared to notice." I wrote as tears began to fall from my (e/c) orbs. Sasuke pulled me into a tight hug, causing me to drop my notepad. 

"I'm sorry. I never meant to make you feel so lonely," I cried harder and buried my head into his chest. What Sasuke did next completely shocked me. He gently lifted my head up, cupping my cheek and kissed me. After a couple seconds, I kissed back. When we pulled back Sasuke kissed my forehead. "You never have to worry about being alone again because I'm never letting you go again."

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