Mukami X Bullied Depressed Lil Sis Reader X Sakamaki (Diabolik Lovers)

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This is a request from MukamiRindou. Thank you so much for your patience and I hope you enjoy(;≧∇≦) =3 ホッ   

 🍭Kandi Raver Queen🍭


Fat, ugly, slut, bitch. These are just some of the things I hear people call me as I walk down the halls of the school. You see all the girls at my school hate me because I'm the sister of the Mukami brothers and because I'm good friends with the Sakamaki brothers. Now, you're probably wondering how that happened. Well, before getting bullied and falling into depression I used to be really confident and daring. Every time one of the Sakamaki brothers tried to insult me or my brothers I'd snap at them. I guess after a while they all just started to respect me and accepted me as a friend.

I walk into the girl's locker room to get changed for gym class when a group of girls walked up to me. "Oh look it's the ugly slut," the leader of the group snickered as she trapped me into a corner.  "So I hear earlier you were hanging around Laito. Want to explain why cunt?" the leader hissed grabbing a large clump of my hair and yanking it down. I fell on to my knees and tears ran down my cheeks.

"Laito and I were only talking. Nothing more, nothing less," I muttered as I looked at the leader with an emotionless expression. The leader scoffed and told the other girls to deal with me while she left. Once she was gone the other girls started kicking at me while throwing insults at me. This lasted about ten-fifteen minutes and once it was done and the girls left I just went straight to the nurse's office.

After patching up all my wounds I start heading to the music room.  When I got there Shu was sleeping on the room's sofa like always. I softly smile at him and make my way towards the piano. I sit down and start to play Her Last Words by Courtney Parker. After playing the song I look up to see Shu next to me. "Why did you play such a sad song?" Shu questioned. 

"I don't know," I shrugged. "Just wanted to I guess," Shu looked at me intently. I was starting to get really on comfortable so I got up and started heading out the room. "I have to go now. See you later Shu-san,"

Time skip~

I was listening to Better Off Dead by sleeping with sirens when I noticed it was time for dinner. I turned off my iPod and left my room to go down to the kitchen. As I reached the bottom of the stairs my brothers and the Sakamaki brothers were all waiting for me. "W-wh-what is this?" I questioned

"(Y/n) the Sakamakis have paid a visit because they have noticed that you've been showing some concerning behavior," Ruki said softly. 

"Kawaii Imōto-chan? What's wrong?" Kou asked looking at me worriedly. I know if I lie he'll just use his eye and know it's a lie so I take a deep breath before speaking.

"L-lately I've been bullied at school by all the other girls. They don't like that I'm around all of you. They call me things like slut, cunt, bitch, fat, and ugly. They even sometimes beat me. It's gotten to the point I just don't want to live anymore!" I confessed sobbing. Yuma hugged me and rubbed my back.

"You should have told us, (Y/n). We could have put a stop to this a long time ago," he softly scolded. 

"I'm so sorry! I didn't want to make any of you worried about me!" I sobbed more. 

"Everything is going to be okay, Sukoshi amaimono . We will take care of those girls," Laito said. 

"Those girls are going pay for messing with you!" Subaru shouted. 

"No one gets away with hurting Ore-sama's friend!" 

"We're going to teach those girls not to mess with Doll-chan, nee Teddy?"

"Honestly those girls need to have some lessons in manners," I looked up at everyone and weakly smiled. 

"Thank you. Thank you all so much!" I said cring once again. Only this time tears of joy.

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