Yandere Lawless X Fem. Subclass Reader (Servamp)

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Request fromPaulinaHikari. Hope you enjoy (/^▽^)/

 🍭Kandi Raver Queen🍭


I've been then Servamp of Greed's subclass for only a few months and we've grown to be close. He's like my best friend. He's always there for me when I'm upset. Right now Lawless and I are at Litch's piano performance. I stared at the black-haired male in awe. "He's so amazing!" I beamed with sparkles in my (e/c) orbs.

"That's Angel-cakes for you," lawless chirped. I looked up at the blonde male and smiled. Lawless smiled back.

Timeskip to an hour after being back in the hotel~

From the moment we got back Litch and lawless got into a fight and began yelling at each other. I just locked myself in the extra room because I did not want to get in between all of that. I was listening to music when I heard a knock on the door. I got up and opened the door to see Lawless. "Angel-cakes went out for a little while," he informed me. I let him in and we both sat on the bed.

"You and Litch-chan fight a lot," I said trying to start up a conversation. Lawless looked at me with a smile and cupped my cheek.

"I guess you can say that but let's not talk about him and me. Instead, let's just focus on us," he replied looking at me with loving eyes. I blushed heavily at his words. 

"W-wh-what a-about u-us L-lawly?" I asked stuttering. He chuckled and leaned down towards my ear. 

"I love you, my precious (Y/n)," he whispered blowing softly in my ear earning a shiver from me. He pulled back with a smirk. "Did (Y/n)-chan enjoy that?" he teased. I didn't like him teasing me so I pulled him into a rough kiss. One minute we were in a deep make-out session and in the next we were both naked and he was thrusting in and out of me with intense speed. I repeated moaned his name and as we both released I screamed in pure bliss. 

"You're so amazing (Y/n)-chan," Lawless panted as he pulled out of me and laid down next to me. "I will never let Angel-cakes have you, you're mine,"

"W-what are you talking about, Lawly?" I questioned sitting up and looking at him. 

"I'm sorry (Y/n)-chan but this is the only way to keep you as mine," Before I could respond Lawless pulled a sharp object from on the nightstand and slit my throat. "Goodbye, my precious (Y/n)," 

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