Thor X Reader (Kamigami No Asobi)

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"Why don't you just tell him how you feel, kitten?" Loki teased me. Heat rushed to my face as I glared at the god of mischief. The red-haired male just chuckled and gave me a cheeky grin. "What? We all know you like him,"

"Sh-shut up, baka," I grumbled. "A-anyway I doubt he'd like me back," I muttered looking down. I felt hands on my shoulders and looked up to see who those hands belonged to only to see Apollon giving me a warm smile.

"Don't worry (N/n) I'm sure Thor likes you a lot," he said reassuringly.

"He does. Whenever I ask about you to him he always has a smile on his face and he's always saying you're cute," Balder spoke up. Hearing this caused my face to turn into a tomato. Everyone laughed warmingly at my reaction.

"Oh, Thor it's good to see you," Apollon said while signaling the others to leave Thor and me alone. "Well we have to go back we'll see you guys later!" the Greek god waved as him and the others left.

"Hello, (F/n)," Thor greeted with his usual stoic expression. 

"O-oh hey Thor," I mentally cursed at myself for stuttering. For a few minutes, awkward silence filled the air. I took a deep breath and finally spoke. "ThorIreallylikeyouandIknowyoumightnotfeelthesamewaybutIhadtotellyou!" I blurted. For a while, he just stood there so I took it as rejection and turned to leave.

Before I could leave strong arms wrapped themselves around me. "I like you too," Thor's deep voice said. For once his tone wasn't monotone. Instead, it was soft and loving. I turned around and kissed his cheek. 

"Baka," I smile while snuggling against his chest.

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