Yandere Mukami X Innocent Tortured Child Lil Sis Reader (Diabolik Lovers)

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Hello, Minna-san! This was a request from Yoruichi_sama. I didn't know how to go about this scenario but I hope you enjoy it (☆^ー^☆)

🍭Kandi Raver Queen🍭


Today my big brother's are going out so that they could talk to the Sakamaki's about keeping Yui-san. That means I'm left all alone with the blonde girl. She looks nice but every time my big brothers leave she's always being really mean to me. For instance, last time she went into big brother Azusa's knife collection and used some of them on my legs. It was the upper part so I've been able to hide it from my brothers. I would tell them but she told me if I did she'd use my brother's knives for more the just leaving marks on my legs. I didn't really know what she meant by that but it scared me none the less.

I'm sure some may wonder why this would be a big deal for someone that's a vampire, well I'm not. When Karlheinz offered to turn my big brothers they asked that I was to stay human. So I've lived a pretty normal life up til now besides having vampires for big brothers. Oh, also I'm actually Yuma's little sister. Our parents never let me outside for the fear of me getting hurt. So I grew up not knowing much.

"Oh (Y/n)-san~" Yui sang twistedly. "I have a new a game to play," I look at her in terror as I tremble. 

"P-please Yui-san, no more? Your last game hurt a lot," I whimpered. She laughed as she grabbed me by the hair and dragged me up to the room my big brothers set up for her. When we entered the room she swung me towards the bed. She then turned to the door and locked it before turning back towards me with a scary expression. If anyone else were to be in the manor, all they would hear would be my screams and cries of pain.  

Once Yui-san was done with me she opened her door for me and gave me a sweet smile. "Now, remember what I said last time, okay?" I gave a weak nod and painfully walked into my room. I then slowly lie down on my bed and silently sob until I fall asleep. When I wake up I hear my big brother Kou singing. 

"Hello, Imoto-chan!" he greeted cheerfully. I gave a weak hello back. "(Y/n)? Are you alright?" he asked very concernedly. I tried to convince him I was but he then used his eye and knew I was lying. "Tell me what's wrong, (Y/n)," I then explain everything and show him all the damage while sobbing a storm. "Everything's going to be alright. Our brothers and I will see to it that M neko-chan is punished for this," he said reassuringly. He then sang me a song until I fell back to sleep.

When I woke up the next morning and went downstairs to eat breakfast I noticed Yui-san was nowhere to be found. "Ru-chan, where's Yui-san?" I asked my eldest brother.

"Livestock is no longer with us," he responded. I tilt my head.

"What do you mean?" I ask innocently.

"Eve...wasn't nice..to...you so we....took care..of...her," said big brother Azusa.

"Sow was lucky we went easy on her," said big brother Yuma.

"See? I told you M neko-chan would be punished for hurting you. No one hurts our precious Imoto-chan," big brother Kou said. "Not unless they want to be severely punished,"

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