Shu X Childish Reader (Diabolik Lovers)

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"Oi, Chichinashi make Ore-sama some takoyaki!" Ayato yelled demandingly. I just ran right passed shouting my response.

"Sorry, Oreo-chan but you can stop being lazy and make them yourself. I have to find Mr. Lazyhead," I could hear Ayato shouting things like "Get back here you stupid mortal girl! How dare you say no to the great Ore-sama!" but I chose to ignore him. 'Sorry, Ayato but I'm looking for Shu at the moment.' 

I first check to see if the lazy vampire was in his room. He wasn't there. Next, I checked the music room.  Nope. After that, I went to the bathroom to see if he was sleeping in the bathtub. Not there either. I stomped my foot in frustration. "Damn it Shu Sakamaki, where the hell are you?" I grumbled.

I let out a long irritated sigh and decided to just give up and return to my room. On my way back to my room Laito stops in front of me and gives me his weird smile. "Hello, Bitch-chan," he greeted. I gave him a childish glare.

"Leave me alone Laito and stop calling me a female dog," I said, sounding clearly annoyed. The perverted vampire chuckled at this and tried to say something but I cut him off by huffing and walking around him. I made it to my room at last and made sure to slam my door so that the whole household was aware I was mad.

"You're always so loud," a familiar deep voice groaned. My (e/c) eyes shot open wide as I turned around to find the very person I was looking for all day here in my room laying down on my bed. I pounce on him before puffing out my cheeks and making a childish pout.

"You jerk! I've been looking for you all day!" I yelled starting to sob. The blonde vampire let out a sigh and pulled me down into his arms, making sure to wrap an arm around my waist. "Be quiet," he mumbled.

"Next time don't scare me like that," I said softly nuzzling against his chest. When I looked up Shu was staring down at me.

"You're so troublesome," he mumbled with a small smile as he kissed my forehead before going back to sleep.

"You're right, I am a troublesome woman, but I'm your troublesome woman and you're my lazy man," I whispered before falling asleep as well.

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