Sardon (Mew Mew Power)

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Hello, Minna-san! This is a request from WolfGirlN. This is my first time writing about him so I apologize if it's bad. Anyways, I hope you enjoy (⌒▽⌒)☆

🍭Kandi Raver Queen🍭  


Your POV~

It was a nice day outside so I decided instead of spending all day in my room watching anime I'd go outside and just walk around. I made my way over to a small park that's been abandoned and walk around the area.  After a few minutes of aimlessly walking, I stop and look up at the sky. 'Such a pretty day. It should be like this more often. Maybe then I wouldn't be such a lazy pota-' I was caught mid-thought when I finally noticed this huge bug thing flying towards me. 'Wh-what the hell is that thing?! Crap I can't move!' I tightly close my eyes and brace myself for impact. 

I soon grew confused because instead of feeling pain, I felt as though I was in someone's arms and that I was up in the air. I slowly open my eyes to see a man with greyish purple hair, indigo eyes, and big pointy ears. My eyes widen as a small blush dusts my cheeks. The man looks down at me and sighs. "You humans are truly reckless. You really should pay more attention to your surroundings." the man said as he placed me down. 

"Th-thank you for saving"


"Thank you, Sardon," I bowed. "My name is (Y/n). It's nice to meet you." I said with a smile. Sardon was about to speak but a young childish voice beat him to it.

"Sardon! Sardon where are you?! Dren's messing up the plan again!" The said male sighed deeply and looked at me with a frown.

"I'm afraid I'm needed right now. Farewell (Y/n)." With that, he disappeared. I just stood there in a complete daze. 'Sardon. Just what are you? I hope we'll meet again here soon. I might be crazy but I think I finally experienced love at first sight.'

Sardon's POV~

'That mortal was rather interesting. She isn't the complete brightest but she most definitely intrigues me. Hopefully, these two can figure out how to do a mission correctly soon. That way I can try to find (Y/n) again.' 

"Oh? could it be that Sar-sar is thinking of a girl?" Dren asked teasingly with a smirk. I quickly scuffed. 

"I'm not a fool like you. I don't fawn over our enemy." I glared at him. 'That imbecile. How could he tell? This is bad if he finds out and tells Deep blue. I guess I'll just have to come up with my own personal plan.'

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