Ranmaru X Reader X Camus Lemon (Uta No Prince Sama)

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Hello, Minna-san! So this is a request from the amazing HibikiRanmaru and I have to say, this is the longest oneshot I've made by far with 1359 words. Now, I do apologize if I didn't do it the way you imagined but I just couldn't picture these two getting along enough to actually share Reader-chan. Anyways I hope you enjoy (∩_∩)   

🍭Kandi Raver Queen🍭


I walk into the room to find Ranmaru and Camus arguing like they do every day. Only this time they weren't fighting over the typical subjects they usually do. Normally it's about Ranmaru's rock music or their favorite foods but today it was completely different. "Why the hell would she want someone as uptight as you!?" Ranmaru yelled. I stood at the room's entrance with wide eyes. 

'They're fighting over a girl? I mean it's better than what they usually fight over but it's still petty," I mentally sighed. Camus glared harshly at Ranmaru and pointed his scepter at the silver-haired rocker.

"Tell me, peasant, why would she fall for such an imbecile such as yourself?" the blonde duke shot back. Ranmaru balled his fist and clenched his jaw in anger. If looks could kill then these two would be dead corps with their blood everywhere. They had locked looks of pure hatred shooting at each other. I then took it upon myself to step in and stop them before they did kill each other.

"U-um, Maru-chan, Camus-san?" I timidly call as I hesitantly enter the room and walk towards me. When they turned to look at me their expressions softened greatly.

"What's up, little rocker girl?" Ranmaru asked with a grin. I looked down for a moment as if scared to make eye contact but I then gain courage and bring my head back up.

"I overheard you two fighting and I didn't want you two to kill each other so I came to stop it," I said all in one breath. Both males stared at me with shocked expressions.

"Well, I guess at this point there's no way around this so we might as well get this over with," Camus said. I tilt my head in confusion as Camus continues. "We were fighting over who would have your heart. We both seem to hold deep feelings for you. So, who do you choose?" 

"Huh?!" I squeaked with my face fifty shades of red. "Y-you want me to choose just like that?! D-don't I even get some time to think? You guys are just putting me on the spot here," I questioned muttering the last part. Ranmaru placed his hand on the top of my head. 

"Take all the time you need. If you choose me you'll know where to find me," he said before leaving the room. I turn my attention towards Camus and see him giving me a rare genuine soft smile. 

"I'll accept whatever choice you choose. I just want you to be happy," the blonde idol said as he to left the room.  This left me time to think.


After some time I finally made my choice. The truth is deep down I've always had feelings for the tsundere rocker. I quickly meet Ranmaru at the tree where we first met. When I arrive Ranmaru is sitting down leaning against the tree with his bass. As I make my way over toward him he looks at me and grins. "Yes, little rocker girl?" he asked.

I take a deep breath before responding. "You're the first person I met here and you've always been there for me. I've always had a small crush on you but I was always too scared you wouldn't feel the same so I kept quiet," I confessed blushing lightly. I look down at the ground too embarrassed to make eye contact. I could hear Ranmaru setting his bass beside him then stand up to make his way towards me.

"(Y/n), look at me, please?" I hesitantly lift my head up and look into his eyes. He cups my cheek and wraps his free arm around my waist. "You have nothing to be embarrassed about. I-I've loved you from the moment we met. There was just something about you that was different from any other girl I've ever met. Normally I don't like trusting others but just after our first encounter I felt like I could trust you with anything," 

We both leaned in causing us to meet in a sweet kiss. This didn't last too long because it soon turned from sweet to rough and needy. Ranmaru trapped me against the tree without breaking the kiss and wrapped my legs around his waist. We break the kiss pant while he begins walking back towards the master course. Once we enter the building all of Starish stare at us with shocked eyes. 

"Oi, move out the way and mind your own business!" Ranmaru grumbled walking us passed them. When we reach his shared room his kicks the door open and sets me on the bed before going back to the door to shut it and make sure it's locked. He then pins me to the bed and attacks my neck with rough bites and kisses. I managed to hold in my moans up until he found my weak spot. Hearing my moan caused the silver-haired male to smirk. "Someone's enjoying herself," he chuckled. 

"J-just sh-shut u-up an-and c-con-continue," I mumbled blushing madly in embarrassment. Without warning, he slipped his hand through my bottoms and started to finger me roughly. I arched my back and moaned loudly. He soon added another finger and began to make a scissoring motion. I let out an even louder moan and gripped onto the bedsheets as I released. Ranmaru pulled out and licked the sticky substance off his fingers.

"You taste so sweet~" he groaned earning a massive blush to appear on my cheeks.  I squirm in hopes to calm down but I was still feeling really hot.

"Just fuck me already," I begged. He wasted no time to undress the both of us. He had me pinned to the bed once again and thrust all the way inside me. I cried in pain until I was used to his size and then gave him the signal to move. He then thrust in and out of me with intense speed until we both climaxed.

"That was just as amazing as rock music," Ranmaru panted as he pulled out and laid beside me. He then wrapped his arms around me and brought me to his chest.

"That it was,"


It took a while but I finally made my decision. Though Ranmaru was the first person I met here, Camus is the one I've always felt the most secure with. I go off to find Camus in a room sitting on a sofa and drinking tea. "U-um, Camus-san? I-I made my decision," I said nervously. Camus raises an eyebrow. 

"And the decision would be?" he questioned in a rare gentle tone. I begin to blush darkly as I take a deep breath.

"You. I choose you. I-I've never felt so secure before and even when you act cold you always seem to bring a smile to my face. I-I l-lo-love y-you," I confessed stuttering like mad crazy at the end. Camus smiled and kissed me passionately. I instantly kissed back. When the need for air occurred we both pulled back panting slightly. Camus leans down towards my ears. 

"That foolish prince won't be back until tomorrow evening so why don't we take this somewhere more appropriate?" he asked in a whisper. I gave him a shy nod and we made our way to his room. Once we were inside and the door was shut and locked, Camus and I were in a heated makeup session. Things escalated really quick and soon he and I were fully unclothed and he had me pinned with my back against the wall as he slammed himself in and out of my womanhood. 

I screamed in pleasure while digging my nails into his back as he slammed himself even rougher into me. He started to groan as my walls hardened. It wasn't too much longer after that we both released our juices. Camus pulled out of me and picked me up bridal style. He then brings me to the bed and lays me down before laying down next to me. I place my head on his chest and he wraps his arms around me protectively. "I love you," I said before closing my eyes.

"I love you too, my precious ice princess,"

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