Reiji X Sick Reader (Uta No Prince Sama)

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Hello, Minna-san! I know I said I put this book on hold and it is but I really wanted to write this because I just got over being sick. I also want to discuss something with you guys. Lately, I've been getting a lot of requests, which is fine. I'm so happy to be receiving requests, but when it's only one person and it's multiple ones at once I start to feel overloaded. This is why I've decided to add a new rule to the request page. This rule is two requests person a week. Give me a week to get your first two requests done and then after that week, I'll work on your next two. Love you all (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)

🐰Banī purinsesu🐰 


Today I woke up feeling like shit. I'm all congested, my eyes won't stop watering, and my throat feels like it's on fire. I groan as I hear my phone vibrate for the fifth time this hour. I grab my phone and turn it on to see my best friend, Reiji Kotobuki has been trying to get a hold of me. I slid on the answer icon and put the phone to my ear. "Rei-chan? What is it?" I asked with my voice all hoarse. 

"(Y/n)-chan!? What happened to you?! You should awful!"Reiji cried in panic. 

"Thanks," I said sarcastically. "I'm fine. Just sick is all," For a moment things were silent. 

"(Y/n)-chan stay right there. I'm on my way," I was about to tell him not to he hung up. I let out a heavy sigh before sneezing. 

"Ugh! I hate this!" I cried getting a tissue and blows nose. "Fuck my life!" I groan throwing the tissue away before going back to my bed. Not too long after getting back into bed Reiji came busting into my room all out of breath. "You didn't have to come ya know. I could have handled myself just fine," I huffed before coughing up a fit. Reiji rushes over to me and rubs my back.

"What best friend would I be if I didn't help take care of you when you're so sick?" His words crushed my heart a little but I didn't let it show. Yes, I have romantic feelings for this baka but he only sees me as a friend.

"Wh-whatever," I croaked. 'Hopefully, he thinks the pink dusting my cheeks are because I'm sick and not because I'm embarrassed,'

"You just lay down and rest while I go make you soup," he instructed. I didn't really feel up to arguing with him so I did as he said and just laid down and relaxed. After a few minutes, Reiji returned with a hot bowl of soup and I sit up. "Okay (Y/n)-chan open up," he said trying to feed me. 

"I'm sick, not a baby. I'm perfectly capable of feeding myself," I grumbled. Reiji looked at me with a serious expression.

"(Y/n). Open up," At this point, I can tell I'm not gonna win this so I gave in and let him feed the soup to me. Once the soup was gone he left to put it in the kitchen sink. I was starting to feel sleepy so I laid back down and started to close my eyes. Reiji came into the room and sat down at the edge of the bed. 

"Sweet dreams, my (Y/n)-chan," he said as he placed a soft kiss on my forehead before standing back up and heading back towards the door.

"I love you Rei-chan," I confessed softly. Reiji must have heard because he stopped right in his tracks and slowly turned towards me with a smile and said. 

"I love you too, my lady,"

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