Shu X OC (Diabolik Lovers)

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Most of this was done by my sister, 🌙Minimoon8⭐️. I just tweaked it a little. Hope you enjoy😊

A little bit of her backstory and about herself (This is before Yui)

The Oc is named Victoria Lynn but likes to be called Tori. Tori is 18 years old and her appearance is that she has caramel brown wavy hair, emerald green eyes, and pale skin. Her personality is opposite to Shu which she hyperactive. Okay her backstory... Tori was born in the United Kingdom, but her mother died from childbirth in which her father became depressed once she at the age of five he started to abuse her. Until one day the police came in and took her father away from her which then she ran away from the police and the Karlheinz comes in and took her in.


Tori's POV.

I was walking around the manor, which it's the weekend, looking for Shu. Since I have a crush on Shu, so I just hang around him other the other brothers scares the crap out of me, specially Laito...

"Wellll, hello Bitch-chan," said Laito with his usual creepy, seductive (not) smirk.

"H-hi L-Laito. D-do y-you n-need t-thing?", I stuttered, mentally hating myself for showing fear.

"Nufu~ Please continue? When you stutter like that it turns me on so much," he said with a slight blush dusting his cheeks.

I tried to run away but he grabbed my arm and pinned me to the wall.

"Now, now. Where do you think you're going Bitch-chan? Why would you want to leave when we're about to have so much fun?"

I struggled to get out of his grasp, but he just tightened his grip.

"Laito, please let me go?" I asked desperately. Laito leaned down to my ear.

"Bitch-chan, we're going to have so much fun. I'll really make you scream," said Laito seductively while putting his face closer to my face...

Finally, I had enough so I tried to push Laito off of me, then I kick him in the dick and then ran away.

After running away from Laito, I saw Shu sleeping on the couch..

'Has he been sleeping this whole time?!' I mentally scream, running up to the sleeping vampire and pounces on him. "Shu you meanie! You could have saved me ya know! Your pervert of a brother was gonna try to rape me!" I cried.

"You're too noisy," the lazy blonde vampire groaned. "Just lay down and sleep," I let out a small pout but did as I was told. Shu wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close. I snuggle my face against his chest to hide my massive blush. "I'll deal with Laito later," I heard him mumble before I fell asleep.

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