Jealous Lawless X Fem. Eve Reader Lemon (Servamp)

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  Hey, Minna-san! This was a request from PaulinaHikari. I tried to be more detailed in this one so sorry if it's bad. Hope you enjoy  (☆^ー^☆)

🍭Kandi Raver Queen🍭


My servamp, Hyde and I were at my friend, Mahiru's house for dinner. "Hey, Mahiru are you sure you don't want any help?" I asked loudly so that Mahiru could here from in the kitchen. 

"No thanks. It's just simpler if I just do it all myself," the brown-haired replied. I shook my head and playfully rolled my eyes.

"That boy and always trying to make everything simple," Kuro, Mahiru's servamp moved towards me in his cat form and laid on my lap. 

"He's so troublesome," the said male groaned. I let out a little giggle in response to the cat's words. 

"Sleepy Ash, would you mind getting off my eve?" Lawless asked his brother. When I glanced at my servamp he was harshly glaring at Kuro. I stared at him in confusion.

"What a pain," Kuro lazily whined getting up and leaving. I gave Hyde a disapproving expression. 

"Why did you do that? He was doing no harm. What's gotten into you Lawly?" I asked. Lawless sat down next to me and wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me close. 

"I'm the servamp of greed and I don't like sharing my eve," he leaned down towards my ear. "You are mine~~" he whispered huskily. I jolt up with my face fifty shades of red.

"L-lawly?!" I squeaked. Mahiru rushed into the room and looked at us worriedly.

 "Is everything alright (Y/n)?" he asked.

"(Y/n)-chan is just fine. Though I'm afraid my eve and I will not be joining you for dinner," Lawless said picking me up bridal style and walking towards the door I squeaked and tried to escape his hold, but he would let me. "Nah ah, my sweet (Y/n)-chan~~" I looked at Mahiru for help but he was too shocked to help. 

I was struggling in his grip all the way home. After entering the house Lawly tossed me on the sofa and pinned my wrists above my head. "H-Hyde?!" The servamp of greed harshly nibbled on my neck. It all happened so fast that I had no time to keep myself from letting out a moan.

"It seems someone's enjoying herself," he teased before bitting down on my sweet spot. As he drank my blood my body was starting to feel incredibly hot. 

"L-Lawly~~" I moaned his name squirming a little. The blonde-haired servamp pulled back and chuckled.

"I think it's time to give you your punishment," he said picking me up bridal style once again and started making his way towards his room. 

"P-pu-punishment?" I questioned while stuttering. 

"Well of course. I can't let you get me jealous without a punishment," he answered casually. I stared at him with wide eyes. 'I made him jealous? Was that why he was glaring at Kuro when he was on my lap?' I was pulled out of my thoughts when my clothes were ripped off my body and thrown across the room.

I quickly covered myself with my hands feeling really self-conscience. "Don't hide from me (Y/n). You're absolutely beautiful," he said softly taking my hand and moving them. By now my face must look like some tomato. Lawless started to place wet butterfly kisses down my neck all the way down to my chest. He then came back up and kissed me passionately. I instantly kissed back and helped him undress.

Once we were both completely naked I had him sit down on the bed while I got down on my knees taking his manhood and licking its tip. When I glance up at Lawless I noticed he had a dark shade of pink dusting his cheeks and he was biting his lips. I smirked and gave his length's tip another lick before taking him whole.

He grabbed a hand full of my hair, giving it a tug while grunting. This continued until his hot sticky substance filled my mouth. I swallowed it all as I pulled back. Hyde wasted no time to throw me on the bed and pound himself in and out of me. I'll admit, at first it hurt like hell but soon it was pure pleasure. 

"Lawly punish me harder~~~" I moaned. He obeyed my request and thrust into me much harder. He even went faster. As soon as he hit my g-spot I let out a pleasurable scream. He then hit that spot over and over causing me so must pleasure I was seeing stars. My walls soon tightened and I released causing his manhood to twitch and to cum inside of me. After our heat died down he pulled out of me and laid down next to me. 

Lawless pulled the covers over us and wrapped his arms around my waist. "I love you, my (Y/n),"

"I love you too Lawly,"

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