Loki X Innocent Neko Lil Sis Reader (Kamigami No Asobi)

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Hello, Minna-san! This is another request from Yoruichi_Sama. I'm doing this on my friend's iPod so I'll edit all mistakes when I can. Anyways I hope you enjoy😄

🍭Kandi Raver Queen🍭


"Loki!" I cheerfully called out for my big brother. Now, before you ask, no he isn't my real brother but we have a sibling bond. To be honest I kinda have a crush on him but I'm scared that if I tell him he'll reject me and our friendship will be worried. The red-haired god turned towards me. 

"Yes, little kitten?" He asked petting my head.

"Can we spend time together today? We don't get to hang anymore," I asked pouting at the end. Loki chuckled and began playing with my ears. 

"Of course we can spend time together. You know, we should start making special memories together," he said with a mysterious tone. 

"Special memories?" I questioned tilting my head. Loki cupped my face and leaned in close.

"Very special memories," he then closed the gap and kissed my cheek. My face grew crimson.
"W-wh-what? I-I-I-" I was cut off back Loki's chuckle.

"Relax kitten. You're so innocent." He teased. I pout childishly and puff out my cheeks.
"Y-you're so mean!" I whined. Loki wrapped his arms around me and brought me into an embrace.

"Oh come on, little kitten. You know I was only joking. I would never actually kiss you unless you wanted me to,"

"S-so if I a-as-asked you t-to k-ki-kiss me, y-yo-you w-would?" I asked blushing darker. 

"Oh? Is my little kitten asking me to finally kiss her?" the red-haired male questioned with a smirk. I gave a shy nod and blushed even darker. Without wasting any time, Loki brought his lips to mine and we shared a sweet kiss. 

I guess now I can't say we have a sibling bond anymore because now, we have something much more.

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