Laito X Tsundere Reader (Diabolik Lovers)

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Laito's POV~

'nufufu~ Bitch-chan is a rather interesting mortal. She's always so feisty. I can't wait to break her! Just thinking about her screaming my name turns me on!' I thought as I watch Bitch-chan argue with my brother, Ayato. 

"Ayato go the fuck away! I'm not a fucking blood bag, now leave me alone before I punch those stupid fangs of yours out of your mouth!" she yelled angerly. Ayato growled and balled his fists.

"How dare you speak to Ore-sama like that! You stupid mortal girl! Now I'm not going to go easy on you!" he spat as he pinned her to a wall. She started thrashing around and yelled a large number of cuss words at him.

"Now, now. There's no need for such dirty words," I finally spoke out as I walked over towards them.

Reader's POV~

'Dammit! Why the hell does he have to be here? I guess if I were to be bitten by a vampire I'd rather be bitten by him instead of this possessive cocky bastard. Not that I like the perverted vampire! H-he's just not all that bad to deal with compared to his brothers.'

"Oi, what the hell do you what?" Ayato growled. "Can't you see I'm about to punish Chichinashi?" Ayato started to lean close to my neck but he was forced away from me and I was pulled into an embrace.

"Brother, if anyone is to punish Bitch-chan it is I. Now, why don't you go run along and go find the other Bitch-chan?" he told his brother. He had a smile on his face but the dark aura that surrounded him showed that he was VERY pissed. 

'W-why would he be pissed?' I asked myself. Ayato huffed and walked away. I soon realized that I was still in Laito's arms and quickly pushed him away from me. "I didn't need any of YOUR help. I could have handled him on my own," I huffed. Laito just chuckled at my harsh words. 'Damn why is his chuckle so damn cute?! Ugh, why did I just think that?!' my mind screamed as a light pink dusted my cheeks.

"Oh? What's this? Is Bitch-chan actually blushing?" Laito teased. This only caused my blush to darken.

"Oi, shut it, you hentai!" I spat turning away and try to walk off. To my dismay, Laito grabbed my arm and forced me to turn back to face him. 

"Oh Bitch-chan!" he moaned as a blush appeared on his cheeks. "I can't wait to break you and hear all your pleasurable screams!"

"I-I-I said shut up, baka! Baka, baka, baka!" I squeaked, yanking myself from his grip and running off. 'Damn him! And damn this stupid heart of mine!' 

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