Jealous Tsubaki X Kuro's Fem. Subclass Reader Lemon (Servamp)

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This is the last request that PaulinaHikari has made. Hope you enjoy  (☆^ー^☆)

 🍭Kandi Raver Queen🍭


This seriously getting old. This is the eighth time Tsubaki has had me "kidnapped" over the past two months. "Tsu-tsu you know you don't have to have your subclasses 'kidnap' me, right? I would have come if you just gave me a call," I softly grumbled at the black-haired vampire. Tsubaki just laughed in response. 

"If I would have done that then it'd be boring. This way is more entertaining," he answered wrapping an arm around my shoulder.  I sent him a slight glare. "What? Is it really that bad for me to retrieve my beautiful girlfriend to keep my big brother's filthy hands away from her?" I raise my eyebrow and look at him suspiciously before letting a smirk to form on my features.

"Oh? Is the all so famous Tsubaki trying to say he's jealous of the fact that his brother is my master?" Tsubaki turned his head but it was too late, I already took notice of his pink cheeks causing my smirk to widen. Within an instant, my jealous boyfriend had me pinned to the wall and had my lips trapped in an intense and needy kiss. He then pulled back and started nibbling harshly on my neck. 

I let out small mewl sounds earning a chuckle from him as he pulled back. "Why don't we take this to my room where it's more private" he whispered into my ear seductively. Once we entered his room and shut the door we took off our clothes and started to have a heavy makeout session. I had enough waiting so when I pulled back I pushed him onto the bed. For a moment Tsubaki's eyes grew wide in shock but they so went back to normal as he laughed. "Someone's eager," he teased. 

I growled pouncing on him and starts riding him with inhuman speed. His hands gripped my waist as the both of moaned in complete pleasure. This went on until we reached our limits and came. I pulled back and rolled down next to him. He brought me into his arms and I placed my head on his chest. "I love you, Tsu-tsu,"

"I love you too, my sweet,"

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