Vampire Quartet Night X Innocent Neko Lil Sis Reader X Vampire Ren (Utapri)

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Hello, Minna-san! Sorry for the long wait. I still have a lot of things going on but I finally finished this request. This was requested from Yoruichi_Sama. Sorry if it's bad. I'm really not used to innocent characters. Even so, I hope you enjoy and I'll get to your other request when I can o(≧∇≦o)

🍭Kandi Raver Queen🍭


It's hard being the only neko at the master course. Everyone else is vampires. Even Nanami is a vampire! It's so unfair! I guess there is a bright side to it though. Because I'm just a neko, Quartet Night made themselves my older brother's. I don't know why but they're always so protective of me. "Well hello, little kitten," Ren greeted as he entered the room. I look up towards him with a sweet smile.

"Hello, Jinguji-san!" I greeted cheerfully. Ren walked towards me and cupped my cheek. I looked at him with a confused expression. "Jinguji-san?" the strawberry blonde male chuckled at my confusion.

"Oh, my little kitten. You are so cute when you're confused," he said leaning in closer to me. "You know, I think it's about time to claim you as mine," he stated in a tone I didn't understand.

"Claim me?" I tilted my head. By this point, I was completely confused.

"I meant it's about time to bite you and leave my mark, my little innocent kitten," As Ren had his mouth right next to my neck someone yanked him away from me.

"Oi, what do you think you're doing!" Ranmaru yelled angrily while glaring at Ren. Out of nowhere, Reiji pulls me into a protective hug.

"You are to keep your filthy self away from our dear sister, you peasant!" Camus shouted.

"According to my data, you are acting this way because a few of your fellow Starish members also hold feelings for (Y/n)," Ai stated bluntly. I looked at everyone completely dumbfounded. Ren chuckles.

"That may be true but I've already decided to mark her. It doesn't have to be the neck. I could mark whatever area she would like," Ren said sending me a wink.

"Anywhere?" I asked tilting my head.

"No!" all of Quartet Night shouted as they dragged me out of the room away from the strawberry blonde.

'I wonder what all that was about. Oh well,'

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