Syo X Reader (Uta No Prince Sama)

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"Oi, I am not short! You're shorter than I am!" Syo yelled at me. You see I have a large crush on this cutie but since I know he loves Nanami I use this teasing method to hide my feelings.

"Awe but Syo-chan, being short is what makes you so adorable!" I pouted. "Also it's normal for girls to be short. A lot of guys love short girls," Syo's face went red in both anger and in embarrassment.

"(Y/n)," he growled. I sweatdropped and took a few steps back. "I'm not adorable! I'm manly!" he shouted really pissed. I flinched while covering my ears. I whined as my head throbbed due to his shouting.

"If you're anything, you'd be really loud. I mean geez dude, you didn't have to shout at me. You know some girls like guys that are both manly and adorable," I mumbled. I looked down at the ground afraid to make eye contact.

"Y-you think I'm both?" he asked softly. I refused to look at him as my face grew really warm. I tried to walk off, but Syo grabbed my hand with one hand and used his free hand to bring my head up and cupped my cheek. "(Y/n)?"

"Yes?" I stuttered. Syo chuckled at this and did something that completely shocked me. He leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on my lips. The kiss wasn't long but it was enough to send butterflies throughout my stomach.

"Thanks (Y/n)," he thanked me while rubbing the back of his head with a light blush on his cheeks. "S-sorry. I probably shouldn't have done that," he chuckled nervously while looking away. I let out a soft giggle.

"It's okay Syo. To be honest, I really like you. I've liked you for a while now but thought I had no chance," I confessed. Syo hugged me and spun me around. 

"And you call me adorable," he chuckled and kissed me. I instantly melted into it and kissed back. When we pulled back Syo gave me a grin.

"I guess that just means we're now the 'Adorable' couple,"  We both laughed.

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