Sardon X Oc (Mew Mew Power)

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Hello, Minna-san! This was a request from WolfGirlN. I also have a small announcement. I know all of you have noticed that I haven't been updating much lately and it's because lately, I've been lacking the motivation and time. It's also because lately I've been working on something and that's been taking a lot of my free time. It's because of that I'm going to be ending this book here soon. I plan on finishing my last request and then marking this book as finished. I love you all and I may make a new oneshot book once I feel I have time for it. 

🍭Kandi Raver Queen🍭  


Ryder's POV~

My name is Ryder. I'm Mark's older sister. Normally I would be home in my backyard target practicing with my bow and arrow but I decided to switch things up and went for a walk instead. It was quite a lovely day out but even so, I kept my usual monotone expression as my quiver lightly hits my back every step I take. I hold my bow in my hand just in case I need to fend off any imbeciles that try to start things with me. As I'm walking this loud crashing sound pierced my eardrums. I quickly covered my ears and waited for the sound to die down a little. After which I went towards the source of the horrible sound.  

When I arrived I saw what looks to be my little brother's girlfriend, Zoey all in pink with cat ears and a tail fighting some huge creature thing with four other girls. Behind the creatures were three floating male. The males all had pointy ears. 'This doesn't look good. Zoey and the other girls seem to be struggling. I could just walk away but I know if anything happens to Zoey Mark will lose it,' I took an arrow out of my quiver and nocked it. I then get my hands in the proper positions before bringing the bow up and aiming the arrow at the creature. I then released the arrow and made sure to follow through so that there was no chance for the arrow to miss my target. 

The arrow hit the creature dead on its arm. Everyone turned to look at me. As always I showed very little emotion. "Hey, Zoey now that it's injured you might want to finish it off. Oh and I'm Mark's older sister so that's how I know you," I said raising my bow back down and walking away.

Sardon's POV~

 'Hmmm.. That girl. She is rather unusual for a mortal.  She has gained my interest,' I was snapped out of my thoughts when Tarb moved in front of my face. 

"Hey, Sardon? It's time to go!" he shouted in my face. I sighed deeply and told them we had to come up with a better plan next time. 

Time Skip in Ryder's POV~

It was night time and I was in my room reading one of my favorite books. I was struggling to stay focus though. Every now and then my mind would go back to one of the floating males from earlier.  'His greyish purple hair and indigo orbs just intrigued me. not to mention his pointy ears make me wonder...Just what is he? The biggest question I wonder is why the thought of him makes my heart race. Is this what a crush feels like. It's never happened to me before,' I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard a knock on my window.  I turned towards the window to see the said male. 

I make my way over and open the window. "Is there a reason you're at my window?" I asked monotoned even though my heart was racing. The greyish purple-haired male looked uncomfortable. As though he had no idea what to do and it was killing him. 

"This may sound rather foolish but your actions from earlier gained my interest. You are well composed compared to most mortals and you seem to think your actions through before executing them. I admire you for that," he said mumbling the last part. 

'So he has a crush on me? So I guess this works out' "I see. So you are fond of me just as I am of you. Though I think before we go any further we should know each other's names. My name is Ryder," I lightly smiled which mentally surprised me.

"And I am Sardon," After that, I invited Sardon in and we spent some time just talking and getting to know each other. "I'm afraid I must go. If I stay any longer those two idiots will mess something up," he said referring to his partners, Dren, and trab as he stood up. I stood up as well and walked over to the window with him. He then turned back towards me. "Until we meet again," At first I was confused by his words my confusion ceased the moment his lips met mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he locked his around my waist. After a fe moments of making out we pull away and say farwell before he finally leaves.

'So this is what love feels like. I think I like it," I smiled brightly.

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