Kuro X Mute Bullied Lil Sis Reader (Servamp)

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Hello, Minna-san! This was a request from RukiaChappySama. Sorry if it's bad. I hope you enjoy (✿◠‿◠)

 🍭Kandi Raver Queen🍭


I sigh as I bring my sleeves down to cover up the newly made bruises that now consume my arms. 'Just another day, dealing with bullies,' You see I'm not very liked at school. I'm a mute. That's right, I can't talk. Instead, I just write things down on a notepad and because of this, many people see me as a freak and bully me. I check myself over in the bathroom mirror to make sure nothing shows and then leave the girls restroom to meet up with my brother, Mahiru. When we reach home Mahiru's servamp, Kuro is sleeping on our couch with empty bowls all around him. 

"What the heck is this, Kuro?!" my older brother yelled at his servamp. Kuro just groaned and ignored his yelling. Eventually, my brother just gave up trying to scold the blue-haired vampire and took the bowls into the kitchen to clear them. Kuro then turned his attention over to me and sighed sitting up before gesturing me to sit next to him. I slowly make my way over and sit next to him.

"How was your day, (Y/n)?" he asked giving me a small rare smile. I guess I should tell you this now, Kuro treats me as though I'm his little sister so I get to see the side of him no one else has. I didn't want to worry him so I faked a smile and wrote that my day was good on my notepad before showing it to him. He didn't seem very convinced with my response and looked at me intently. "Tell me the truth," My eyes widened and I quickly wrote a question mark on the notepad. "I've noticed that whenever you come home from school you seem so drained of life. I know there's something wrong,"

I took a deep breath and began explaining everything on the notepad. After Kuro read the notepad he did something that really shocked me. He pulled me into his lap and wrapped his arms around my waist tightly. "Why didn't you tell me before? I-I could have helped you," I tense when I felt the vampires tears land on my shoulder. I turn around, pulling him into a hug and sob. Kuro rubbed my back and whispered soothing words into my ear until I started to sleep. "Don't worry (Y/n). Mahiru and I will protect you for now on," That was the last thing I heard before sleep took over me completely.

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