Yandere Mikuni X Reader

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Hello, Minna-san! I'm finally back and as I promised here's an update. This was a request from the wonderful  Mallika Sharma. I apologize if it's a little rough. It's been awhile so my writing is a little rusty. Thank you all for being so patient with me and I hope you enjoy ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ

  🍭Kandi Raver Queen🍭


It was a nice day as I entered the shop. I was instantly greeted by a blonde handsome man holding a doll in his hands. He gave me a sweet smile. "Well hello, dear. Welcome to my shop!" he greeted "Tell me, what do you think about Abel? Isn't she just beautiful?" He was so goofy and I couldn't help but warmingly laugh.

"She's certainly is. She's very beautiful," I responded. The blonde looked at me with shocked eyes. It was as though he was expecting a different answer. I softly giggle and stretch my hand out towards him. "My name is (Y/n) (L/n). It's nice to meet you,"

"I'm Mikuni Alicien. I'm honestly surprised. Normally when I mention Abel to anyone, they give me a look of disgust and just leave. I truly wasn't expecting your response," I gave him a small laugh. He looked at me with concern. "Is something wrong?

"No, no. Everything's just fine. I just find your reaction so cute," I giggled. When I looked up at Mikuni I could see a small blush on his face. After that, I bought what I needed and left.

Time skip~

It's been a few days since I first met Mikuni and he's consumed my thoughts since. I think  I just experienced love at first sight. I'm walking home from visiting friends. "Hey there, pretty lady. Wanna have some fun with us? A man called, as him and his gang surround me.

"U-um s-sorry but I really have to be on my way home," I reply and quickly try to escape. To my dismay, one of the men grabbed my arm and harshly yanked me back. I hissed in pain from all the pain the yank caused.

"Now where do you think you're going, dearie? Why not stay and have some fun with us?" the one that yanked me asked. I struggled, trying to escape his grip but it was no use. He was too strong. The rest of the men grouped around me with devilish smirks. I was completely terrified, rapidly trembling.

"Now, didn't anyone ever teach you that this is not how a man should treat a lady?" a familiar voice said. I hesitantly looked up with wide eyes.

"Tsk! This has nothing to do with you so buzz off!" one of the men yelled angrily. Mikuni smirked and looked towards me.

"(Y/n), please look away? You won't want to see this," I did as he asked, covering my eyes and then I heard screams of pain. Tears spilled out of my e/c orbs as my trembling worsened. I felt a hand gently on the top of my head. "It's alright now," Mikuni said soothingly. When I uncovered my eyes and looked up I screamed with pure terror.  All the men were dead and covered in their own blood.

"M-Mikuni? Wh-what happened?" I looked towards him and he caressed my cheek lovingly.

"It's alright now, (Y/n). I promise I'll protect you always. I shall never let anyone touch you, my princess. I love you, (Y/n)," he confessed. My face went crimson. "Do you love me?"

"I-I can't say for sure what I feel is love but I do really like you," Mikuni smiled and brought me into a sweet embrace. He nibbled on my neck, making sure to leave a mark.

"There. Now you are mine. I promise that soon you will love me and that we'll be happy together."

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