Ayato X Tsundere Reader (Diabolik Lovers)

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"How dare you refuse Ore-sama, you stupid mortal!" Ayato yelled. I covered my ears and groaned. All of this fuss all because I refused to make him his stupid takoyaki. When his yelling finally stopped I uncovered my ears and sent him a harsh glare.

"Baka! You nearly caused me to become death for that?! Are you fucking kidding me?! You have working limbs. Go make it yourself! I'm not your slave!" I snapped at him. He growled and slammed his hand down on the counter behind me, trapping me in place. He then smirked darkly and leaned down to my neck. "H-hey! What the hell do you think you're doing?!" I squeaked trying to push him away. Sadly for me, he was stronger than me.

"Oh? What's wrong, Chichinashi? Scared of the great Ore-sama, are we?" he teased with a chuckle before licking his lips. "Since you wouldn't make Ore-sama takoyaki I guess you'll need to be punished," At that very moment, my throat felt as though it was on fire. I hissed in pain while listening to him drink my blood. 

"B-baka. Release me!" I demanded. I used every once of my strength to push him away. I covered my neck with my hand and glared at the reddish brown-haired male. "Screw you and the rest of your brothers! To hell with all of you!" I quickly left the kitchen and stormed my way to my room, making sure to slam my door. I then throw myself on my bed and scream inside my pillow. 'S-stupid baka, bitting me like that. I prefer him over any of his brothers but still. I mean it's not like I love him or anything! It's just he's not as annoying as the rest. He's still a jerk though. I swear the next time I see him I'm gonn-'

"Fufu~ It seems Ayato is being greedy once again and is trying to claim you for himself," Laito said popping up from behind me. I screeched and jumped up.  This caused the fedora-wearing vampire to chuckle.

"Geez Laito! Like what the fuck?! Y-you can't just sneak up on people like that! Next time you might get slapped," I said as I was trying to calm my heart. Laito just laughed and gave me a perverted smirk. "Don't even think about it. I will destroy you, got it?" I warned.

"Fufu~ That's not fair! Ayato got to have some fun with you!" Laito pouted. I lightly blushed at his words and sent him a death glare. 

"S-sh-shut up!" I snapped.  Laito stared at me with shocked eyes for a few moments before breaking into a fit of laughter. "H-hey, what the hell is so funny, baka?!" I shouted blushing more in embarrassment.

"I can't believe this fufu~ You actually have feelings for Ayato, don't you, Bitch-chan?" My face instantly went crimson.

"Wha?! I-I-I-I d-do-don't kn-know w-wh-what y-yo-you're t-talking ab-about! I-I do-don't!" I stuttered. Laito chuckled and pinned me down on the bed. "W-wh-what the hell?! Get off of me!" I screamed while struggling. Just then someone kicked my door down. 

"Oh? Does this mean I can't have my fun?" Laito asked as he looked at Ayato.

"Get the hell away from what's Ore-sama's!" Ayato demanded. Laito released me and stood up. He and Ayato just stood there and glared at each other for a moment. 

"You should be happy. It seems she's already submitted herself to you. She refuses to let anyone else bite her," Laito said as he started walking out the door. I screamed baka at him. I then turn my attention to Ayato and just as I was about to speak he pulled me into a tight embrace.

"Ore-sama will kill anyone who dares to touch what's his. You belong to Ore-sama and Ore-sama alone," he said holding me tighter. I blushed darkly and snuggled against him. 

"Yo-you b-baka," 

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