Yandere Tsubaki X Kuro Subclass Fem. Reader Lemon (Servamp)

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This is another lovely request from PaulinaHikari. I had no idea how I was going to do this one so sorry if it's bad. Hope you enjoy o(^-^)o

  🍭Kandi Raver Queen🍭


It's been two weeks since Tsubaki had his subclass, Higan, kidnap me and Kuro has yet to come for me. Though I wasn't expecting him to. After all, Kuro is the Servamp of Sloth. Plus Tsubaki's known for killing his sibling's subclasses and since it's been two weeks, he and Mahiru probably think I'm already dead.  "Hey, (Y/n). Tsubaki wants you," Sakuya, one of Tsubaki's subclasses and one of Mahiru's supposedly "friends". 

"Whatever," I grumbled getting up and following the green-haired male. As we reached the entrance of Tsubaki's room I turn towards Sakuya. "You claim you hate liars but you yourself are just that. Not to mention if you think Mahiru will ever forgive you for this you're wrong," With that, I simply enter Tsubaki's room. "You requested me, Tsubaki?", I questioned with venom dripping off my words.

"Ah, yes. You see (Y/n) no matter what you do it never seems to bore me. That's new to me. That's actually why I had Higan kidnap you. I want to keep you for myself. You may be my brother's subclass but you're mine," the black-haired vampire pinned me to a wall with my hand stuck above my head. 

"G-get your filthy hand off me you bastard!" I yelled while struggling to try to escape his grasp. To my dismay, he only held my wrists tighter as he laughed hysterically.

"See this is exactly why I'm making you mine!" he said crazily. I continued to struggle but it was no use. Tsubaki ripped off my clothes and threw me on his bed. He then started to remove his clothes.

"Stay the fuck away from me!" I screamed as tears ran down my cheeks. I attempted to run to the door but he roughly grabbed my arm and yanked me back on the bed. 

"Oh no you don't (Y/n). Not before I make you mine," he said crawling on top of me. "Now, let's have some fun," He roughly slammed himself into my womanhood and thrust in and out with inhuman speed. All I could do is scream and cry in pain. I just wanted to die. Once he released inside of me he pulled out and laid next to me. "Oh, my precious (Y/n). You entertain me so much. I'm glad you're mine now," he said wrapping his arms around me before falling asleep. 

His words made me feel sick. 'I hate this man. mahiru, Kuro, please kill him soon?' I plea in my head for I know as long as he lives, I will never be free.

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