Reiji X OC (Uta No Prince Sama)

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Hello, Minna-san! This is a request from Kadikki89. Hope you enjoy O(≧∇≦)O

🍭Kandi Raver Queen🍭


Hi, my name is Aki. I'm an idol in training here at the Shining agency. When you first meet me you wouldn't believe this to be true because I'm actually pretty quiet. I don't speak unless directly spoken to. 

Today, I'm working on a song with Nanami for my next performance. "I really like how this sounds. I think the speed up in tempo was a great touch, Namami-san." I softly told her. She gave me a gentle closed eye smile. 

"Thank you, Aki-san! I'm so glad you think so," She replied. We went through the song one last time before stopping for the day. "You sang wonderfully like always, Aki-san!" Nanami beamed. I bowed and mouthed a thank you before gathering my things and leaving the room.

"Ah, that was beautiful as usual, my girl," I turned around to see a famiiar brunette. He gave his fedora a tilt and gave me a cheesy smile. 

"O-oh h-hey Kotobuki-san," I greeted. "You were listening back there?" I asked shyly as a small blush found it's way on my cheeks.

"Yup and you sounded wonderful. I really love hearing you sing," he said moving closer to me. "It's like you have a voice of a goddess,"

"Th-thank you, Kotobuki-san. That's very kind of you," I said just barely audible.  Reiji brought me into a gentle embrace.

"Anything for my girl!" he chirped. My blushed darkened as I began to stutter heavily.

"W-wh-why d-do y-yo-you c-ca-call m-me y-yo-your g-gi-girl?" The brunette chuckles and caresses my cheek. 

"You're so innocent Ki-chan. It's because I love you, Aki," He confessed. My face went as red as a tomato and my eyes were open wide with shock.

'He loves me?  I mean I do like him but love is against the rules. I don't want us to get in trouble. What do I do?!' Reiji must have read my mind because he used the hand that was caressing my face to lift my head up so that we were looking into each other's eyes.

"I know love is against the rules but I can't help what I feel for you. Even if I end up losing my job as an idol I will still love you,"

"Reiji. I-I too," We both leaned in until our lips met in a sweet kiss.

"About time you two got together," We quickly pulled back and turn to see all of Starish, the rest of Quartet Night, and Nanami. 

"You two are so cute together!" Natsuki said. I was so embarrassed that I hid behind Reiji. Ren chuckled.

"Calm down little lamb and don't worry, we will help you keep this a secret," I hesitantly stop hiding and give everyone a bright smile.

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