Yandere Lawless X Fem. Eve Reader Lemon (Servamp)

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This was requested from the wonderful, PaulinaHikari. I've never done a yandere lemon before so I'm sorry if it's not the best. Hope you enjoy  (=^_^=)

Also, I'm going to be using new inserts for this chapter so I thought it would be a good idea to do this:

(G/n) = guys name

(f/d) = favorite drink

🍭Kandi Raver Queen🍭 


I'm walking home all alone late at night as tears run down my face. You see I had been seeing this guy named (G/n) for two months now and tonight was supposed to be our two month anniversary dinner. I waited for two hours but he never showed.  I should have listened to my servamp, Hyde or as he is also known as, Lawless. He'd always tell me that (G/n) was no good, but of course, I didn't believe him and now look at me.

I enter the house to see a concerned looking servamp. "Y/n-chan? Are you alright?" I looked at him shaking my head and sob uncontrollably. 

"He stood me up! On our second month anniversary, he stood me up! You were right about him Lawly!" I cried harder. Hyde brought me into an embrace and whispered soothing words into my ear to calm my cries. After calming down, Lawless brought me over to the couch and had me sit down while he got me (f/d).

"Here you go (Y/n)-chan, drink up," Lawly said in a soft tone sitting down next to me as I take my drink and down it.

"Thanks. I really needed that," I said giving him a small smile. For a while, there was a moment of silence. "Hey um, Hyde? Can I ask you something?" I shyly ask looking over at him.

"Sure, (Y/n)-chan. What's on your mind?" 

"Why do you stick around? I mean I understand the whole contract thing but I mean even before that. What made you even consider being my servamp?" I questioned looking directing into his crimson orbs. Lawless chuckled at my question.

"Isn't it obvious, my dear? It's because I love you," he answered casually.

"W-wh-what? Y-you mean it?"

"Doubt thou the stars are fire; doubt that the sun doth move; doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love." the servamp responded.

"Oh Lawly, you're such a Shakespearian fanatic," I giggled knowing he just resighted a quote from Shakespear's Hamlet.

"That I am, but not just any Shakespearian fanatic but your Shakespearian fanatic (y/n)-chan," he winked causing me to have a giggling fit.  I calmed down and leaned my head on Lawly's shoulder.

"You know, for so long I've been so focused on trying to find love, but the truth is the love I was looking for was right in front of me the whole time. You've always been there for me. Through the good times and the bad times. You even stayed by my side even though it hurt to see me with someone else. You truly care and that's all I've ever wanted," I confessed sitting up and looking at Lawless. "I-I-I g-guess what I'm t-trying to say is that I-I-I l-lo-love y-you t-too,"

Lawless looked at me in awe before leaning in and bringing a soft kiss to my lips. I instantly melt into it and kiss back. What started off soft and innocent soon transformed into rough and heated. Lawly grabbed my hips and pulled me into his lap before deepening the kiss. He then licked my bottom lip asking for entrance, which I happily gave him. As soon as his tongue rubbed against mine I let out a small moan.

I tangle my hands in his hair as he wraps my legs around his waist and stands up to go into my bedroom. Once inside my room, he sets me on the bed and pulls back from the kiss leaving a trail of saliva connecting us. Without wasting any time he undresses the both of us and positions himself at my womanhood. "Are you ready my precious (Y/n)-chan?" he asked with pure lust in his eyes. I blushed heavily and shyly nodded.

He then pushes his length all the way inside me. I screamed from the intense pain. Lawly whispered romantic Shakespear quotes into my ear until it was okay for him to move. Once he began thrusting in and out of me he did so with inhuman speed. "Oh Lawly!~" I moaned This only caused him to go faster. Pretty soon he hit my g-spot and by then I was screaming pleasurably.

It wasn't long after that when we both hit our climaxes and released our juices. Lawless pulled out and laid down next to me. "That was fun, sadly I can't afford the chance of someone else stealing you from me so I'm afraid it's come to this," Before I could question him a sharp pain rose in my chest. I looked down to see that Lawless and stabbed me in the chest with a knife. "Don't worry (Y/n)-chan now no one else can ever take you away from me," That was the last thing I head before everything went black.

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