Subaru X Child Reader (Diabolik Lovers)

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Crying, I made my way running out of the forest completely terrified. Mommy and daddy took me out to the forest so that we all could enjoy the nature together. It was starting to get late so daddy and mommy started getting all our things together when a strange man appeared. He started yelling things while attacking daddy. Mommy grabbed my hand and we tried to run. When we were out of sight, mommy and I heard daddy screaming in pain.

Mommy the brought me into a hug and told me that no matter what I was to keep running. After that, she told me to go while she stayed behind. It wasn't too long after that I heard mommy scream. I wanted to go back but mommy said no matter what I had to keep running. I finally stop once I notice I'm surrounded by pretty white roses. "So pretty!" I beamed getting closer to one.

"Oi, what are you doing?!" a rough voice yelled causing me to jump up shaking in fear. In front of me stood a tall male with silver hair and crimson red eyes.

"I-I'm s-sorry! I-I-I w-was r-running a-an-and f-found m-myself h-here!" I sobbed putting my head down. The silver-haired male made a tsk sound and placed a hand on my head.

"Who are you and where are your parents?" he questioned. I hesitantly lift my head up to see that he was looking at me with a softer expression. 

"My name is (F/n), (L/n)...I-I don't know what happened to my parents. We were in the forest about to go home when this man came and attacked my parents," I explained before sobbing once again. The male brought me into a hug and rubbed my back until I calmed down. "So mister? What's your name?" I asked once I was calm.

"Subaru. Subaru Sakamaki," he answered. My eyes sparkled as I giggled. "What's so funny?" he questioned defensively. 

"Your name is the same as a car brand. I think I'll call you Car-chan!" I beamed. Subaru was all red in the face.

"I-I'm not a car!"

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