Ichiru x Pureblood Reader (Vampire Knight)

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Hello, Minna-san! This was a request from Polli2123. Hope you enjoy(o^-^o)

🍭Kandi Raver Queen🍭  


I was such a fool. I knew if I allowed myself to fall for him he'd end up hurt. Yet my heart still yearned for him and now if I don't save him now that fool will kill him. I use my pureblood powers to appear right in front of Ichiru and block the Rido trying to kill him. " That's enough!" I yelled using my powers to fend him off. 

"Oh my, what do we have here? Could it be that the precious (L/n) princess has fallen for a weak little human?!" Rido laughed hysterically. I sent the reddish brown-haired male a death glare.  The scent of Ichiru's blood was extremely strong so I knew I had to get Rido away quickly. I used my powers to slice open Rido's chest. The said male yelled in pain as he placed his hand over toward where I sliced him. "Mark my words girly. This isn't over!" he yelled before disappearing.  

I quickly turn my attention to my lover and give him such sad eyes before I began to cry. Ichiru lifts up his hand towards my face and wipes my tears with his thumb. "You shouldn't cry, (Y/n) Sama," he spoke softly. I chuckled sadly.

"I shouldn't cry? For you, my lover, to say I shouldn't cry for you is rather cruel," I sobbed. "From the moment we met I knew I loved you. I would do anything to be with you. I can't lose you Ichiru! I just can't!" I cried harder.

"Then turn me," I stared at him with wide eyes. "I know you never wanted me to become a vampire but you said it yourself, you can't lose me and I don't want to leave you either. So please, turn me into a vampire?" I gave a hesitant nod and leaned down towards his neck. I gently lick the spot on his neck that I wanted and sank my fangs into it. Ichiru hissed in pain but held the back of my head still so I could pull away. After a few moments, he finally released my head allowing me to pull back. I then use my powers to teleport us to my bedroom and help Ichiru into my bed.

"You need to take some time to rest. I'll give you my blood when you wake up," I said as I was turning away and making my way towards the door. 

"Wait," Ichiru grabbed my hand and pulled me into the bed with him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and gave me a smile. "Stay with me?" he pleaded with his adorable lavender eyes. I snuggle closer to him and hum softly. Ichiru buries his face in the crook of my neck.

"Go ahead if you want. I just thought you'd want to rest first," He took no time to bite into my flesh. I softly moan his name as he drank my blood. When he finished and pulled back he kissed my forehead.

"Goodnight, my love,"  

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