7MIH Wesley x Reader (Mew Mew Power)

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Hello, Minna-san! This was a request from WolfGirlN. I'm sorry it's late but I'm happy I waited until now to finish this because before today I had no idea how I was gonna go about this and then today during my seminar (basically a study hall but we call it a seminar instead) I just suddenly got this idea. I really hope you enjoy ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ

🍭Kandi Raver Queen🍭  


I was annoyed with that fact that my little brother brought me to this party. I swear if it wasn't for the fact Wesley's here I would just call a cab and go back home. You see I'm Elliot's sister, (Y/n) and he decided it would be okay to drag me over to a party held at his cafe. There weren't too many people there. Just him, his employees, Wesley, a few of his friends, and I but I still didn't want to really be here.  I stood in the corner of the room leaning against the wall. 

"Hey, sis," my monster of a brother called. "We're about to play seven minutes in heaven," I sent my brother an annoyed glare.

"And why would I play such a game with a bunch of children. Most of the girls are in like middle school and your friends are two years younger than me," I explained before turning away from Elliot.

"I'm well aware of that but that just means you will end up with Wesley and I know how much you like him (Y/n). You've liked him ever since he came to live with us when you were 15. (Y/n), I think it's about time you told him about your feelings. That's why I set this up in the first place," My face burned crimson as I quickly turn my head back to face him.

"You what?!" I whisper yelled. "H-ho-how d-did y-yo-you?"

"How did I know? You made it obvious with all your admiring from afar," my brother chuckled. He then gave me a mischievous smirk. "Now, let's get to playing this game so you can finally confess your undying love for him," He grabbed my arm and dragged me towards the others. "Alright. Since these two are the oldest ones here," he gestured to Wesley and I. "They will be going first," If my face was red before it's a pure tomato by now.

"Miss (Y/n), shall we?" Wesley offered me his hand. I softly take his hand and let him guide me toward the closet. Once we were inside and Elliot closed the door behind us I moved over towards the corner and just stood there nervously quiet.

'I don't even know what Elliot's thinking. I already know Wesley still loves Rei. How could he not? She's perfect. I'm nothing compared to her. I'm not even smart like my brother. I'm just a simple eighteen-year-old young  woman,'

"Is something troubling you, (Y/n)?" I snapped out of my thoughts to find Wesley standing right in front of me. I jumped a little in surprise.

 "Oh, no I'm fine. Just lost in thought is all," We stood in silence for a few moments until I spoke up. "So...We don't talk much now days so tell me, how have you been?" I smiled softly. He smiled back and caressed my cheek. Once again my face went crimson. 

"I've been doing alright. Elliot and Zoey can be a handful at times but they're slowly getting along," he chuckled. "What about you? How have you been lately?" he asked.

"I-I've been alright. School can be a little stressful at times but I'm managing," 'H-he's so close!' I mentally squeaked while my face grew even darker. 

"(Y/n) there's something I've been meaning to tell you. I didn't know how to approach you with this since you are my partner's sister but not telling you has been killing me," I tilt my head in confusion. Wesley looks into my eyes and smiles. "(Y/n) I've had feelings for you for a long time now. Even before Rei. I just thought it would be inappropriate for me to pursue you. Then I met Rei and I thought I was in love with her but even when I was with her every now and then you would cross my mind. After she and I broke up I was too absorbed in my work and then Elliot and I became partners. Even so, my feelings from long ago haven't changed. I love you, (Y/n),"

I was so happy I buried my face into his chest and sobbed tears of joy. "That makes me so happy! I've loved you ever since you started living with us," Wesley gently picked my head up and wiped my tears with his thumbs. We both smiled at one another and leaned in for a loving kiss. The kiss was soft but passionate. Just when we finally had our moment light rushes into the closet.

"Finally you two got together. Just took ya three years," my brother teased with a chuckle. Wesley and I pulled away from the kiss with cherry faces. I growled at my brother and began chasing him around the cafe. 

"Get back here you spoiled brat!" 

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