Gender bend Naruto X Male OC (Naruto)

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Hello, Minna san. This is a request from one of my closest friends. I hope you enjoy^^ 

🍭Kandi Raver Queen🍭


    OC Information

Name: Jeisu Uchiha

Age: 15

Height: 5'10"

Hair: Jet black

Eyes: Brown (normally) and all the sharingans, rinnegans, and the shar rinnegan

Background: Was an experiment done by Orochimaru to be the perfect Uchiha until he became good and was banished. He then was a wondering ninja until the Leaf Village took him it.

Jutsu: He can be a voodoo doll with venomous snakes and he has snakes in his arms that move every now and then

Weapons: Red Susanoo Warhammer and a Hydra Sword  that has metal snakeheads on the end

Name of demon snake that's inside him: Heibi


Jeisu's POV~

      It was a normal day for me in the Leaf Village. I was walking through the village after I finished my training when suddenly a loud familiar voice made its way to my ears. "Hey, Jeisu watch out!" before I had time to process this someone crashed into me. I fell down on my back and the person who ran into me landed on top of me. When I saw who this person was a light blush made its way to my cheeks.

     "Naruto?", I asked. The blonde Uzumaki girl quickly got off of me and rubbed the back of her neck while doing her signature goofy smile.

     "Heh, heh sorry about that Jeisu," she apologized. I stared at her for a moment before replying back.

     "You were on your way to get ramen, weren't you?" I questioned, already knowing the answer.

     "Yup. Hey, you want to go with?" I sighed and softly smiled at her.

     "Sure. I have nothing else planned but don't expect me to pay for yours." The Uzumaki puffed out her cheeks and gave out a slight pout.

       "Fine," she mumbled. "Come on, let's go!" she said grabbing my hand and dragging me to our destination.  Once we arrived we ordered our ramen and did small talk.

       "So Naruto how's training?" I asked. Naruto's eyes sparkled.

        "Great!" she chirped. Then her smile turned into a frown. "The only bad thing is that Sasuke keeps acting like he's all that. I seriously hate him sometimes," she grumbled. I chuckled at her response. "Hey, what's so funny?" she asked defensively. "Jeisu you are seriously the only Uchiha I can stand so don't laugh at me," she pouted. 

      I placed my hand on her head and ruffled her hair. "I'm sure he's only acting like that because he can't accept the fate that a girl is better than him. Just keep up the good work, okay?" The young girl squealed and brought me into a quick hug as she quickly kissed my cheek. 

     "Thanks, Jeisu! Yeah, I'll show him, believe it!" she exclaimed. For the rest of our meal, it was silent due to the fact that my mind was still processing what just happened.

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