Jealous Tsubaki X Fem. Eve Reader Lemon (Servamp)

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This is another request from PaulinaHikari. I've never done anything with Tsubaki before so I apologize if he's not in character. Also, this may get a little dark so I ask that if you're not comfortable with dark depressing topics that you do not read.

  🍭Kandi Raver Queen🍭


It's strange how life works. One second I'm a normal girl and the next I'm the Eve of one of the most dangerous vampires, Tsubaki. How did that happen you ask? Well let's look back, shall we?


"Get your count ass back here!" my intoxicated father yelled as I quickly rushed to my room and locked the door. My dad's an alcoholic and has been ever since my mom sacrificed her life for mine. You see ever since birth I've had a really bad heart condition. We went from donating list to donating list but it would either end with me being too far behind on the list or that there just wasn't a good donor match. After years of this, I got so weak I began living my life in a hospital.

When I was twelve my mom had enough of watching me suffer she sighed herself as a donor and killed herself so that I could have her heart. After that, my dad's never been able to look at me when sober and when he's drunk all he wants to do is beat me. "You unlock this door this instant!" my dad yelled banging on the door.

"No! Leave me alone! Please just leave me alone?" I yelled shakily, whispering the last part while silently crying. 

"You ungrateful little bitch!" he yelled banging harder on the door. "If you don't open this door right now I'm gonna break it down!" I stepped back completely terrified. My father kicked the door down and sent me a twisted smirk. "Since you decided to defy me I'm going to punish you even worse than normal," he said making his way towards me. 

I screamed hoping someone, anyone would hear and come help but deep down I knew no one was gonna come save me. Just as my father harshly grabbed my wrist an unfamiliar laugh appeared in the room. "Well, this is no longer entertaining," I looked up to see a male with short black hair. The mysterious man took off his black sunglasses revealing his crimson red orbs. 

"Who the fuck are you and why the hell are you in my house?!" My father shouted releasing my wrist and making his way over to the man.

"My name is Tsubaki," the man introduces himself. "You know, it's not proper to treat such a lady like that,"

"Shut the fuck up! That thing is nothing but a killer! I'll treat the count however I want!" my father went to take a swing at the man. I tightly close my eyes too scared to see what was about to happen. I heard painful yells but kept my eyes shut. Soon everything went completely silent.

"You can open your eyes now human. It's over now," I hesitantly open my eyes and look at the sight in front of me in complete horror. Blood. It was everywhere. The black-haired man was covered in it and down at his feet was my father's body. The man laughed at my terrified expression and then made a serious face. "You can stop making that face. It's boring me," he said.

The man walked over towards me and cupped my cheek while wearing a smirk on his face. "You have nothing to fear now. For now on you will have my protection," 

End of Flashback~

And that was how I met Tsubaki. I remember that eventful day as though it was just yesterday. I'll admit at first, I was completely terrified of this man but I soon figured out that he's quite a softy. "Hey, (Y/n)," Sakuya, one of Tsubaki's subclasses greeted me.  I greeted him back and began having a conversation with the green-haired male.

As time went on I noticed a pair of eyes burning holes into the back of my head. I could tell it was Tsubaki but just chose to ignore him. After my talk with Sakuya I make my way towards my room. "So what were you and Sakuya talking about, (Y/n)?" 

"Oh, nothing much really. Just a few assignments he received from school," I exclaimed. "Is someone jealous?" I went on asking with an amused smirk. Tsubaki laughed hysterically for a moment and then gave a bored expression. I giggled and made my way to my strange servamp. 

"If that's how you wish to play (Y/n) then I'll play that way too," Before I could ask what he meant by that Tsubaki had me pinned to my bed with my hands above my head. My face grew hot and was covered in a dark shade of red. 

"J-just wh-what d-do y-yo-you th-thing y-you're d-doing, Tsu-Tsubaki?" I questioned stuttering heavily. Tsubaki gave me a devilish smirk and leaned down towards my ear. 

"I'm going to make sure my subclasses know who you belong to," He then slammed his lips into mine. He then started placing rough kisses down my neck. I bit my lip to conceal my moans but once he hit my soft spot a loud moan managed to escape from my throat. Tsubaki pulled back and looked at me smirking even wider than before. "Looks like someone was enjoying herself," he teased. 

I growled and pulled him into a rough and deep kiss. He took this opportunity to strip us both of our clothes. "Get ready (Y/n) dear. I won't be going easy on you," With Tsubaki thrust himself inside me harshly and slams in and out of me with inhuman speed. All I could do was grip the bedsheets and scream in pure pleasure. After a while, in the same position, he pulls out and puts me in a new one before slamming himself back into me mercilessly. 

I screamed his name as my walls tightened and I released. Tsubaki gave a few more thrusts before he finally came inside me. He then pulled out and laid down next to me. After my heat died down I laid my head on his chest and fell asleep. What I didn't know was that the moment I woke up him and I would be having our second round.

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