Ren X My Oc (Uta No Prince Sama)

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There he goes again, flirting with all these girls. I guess there are just some old dogs you can't show new tricks to. Who is this old dog you ask? Ren Jinguji. The famous strawberry blonde idol from the idol group, Starish.  I guess I should introduce myself before explaining any further. My name is Mei. I'm nineteen years old and I've known both Ren and Masato since we were kids. Our parents would always attend the same social gatherings so the three of us grew up together pretty much.

It's amazing to see how different the three of us are from one another. Masato is very mature and tends to be too serious all the time.  At the same time, he's the one to go to when you want the most reliable advice. Ren, on the other hand, is a complete flirt. As soon as a pretty girl comes along he's right by her side showering her with flirtatious comments. He's the friend you find yourself wondering why you're friends with them, to begin with. As for me, I hate showing any soft emotion. If I am embarrassed, I lash out at others. I'm also just very stubborn. Not to mention I will destroy anyone who tries to mess with my friends. 

Now, since the introduction is out of the way, let's get back to the situation at hand. I clench my jaw as Ren and those girls flirt back and forth. For some reason, it always makes my blood boil when I see Ren flirting with all these different girls. But it's not like I like him or anything! I just feel it's stupid to flirt with random people you don't know anything about. Not only that but it's just a waste of time.

"You know you should just tell him you're in love with him," Cecil said, popping up from behind me. I jumped up and quickly turned to face him.

"Cecil?! W-wh-what?! I don't know what you're talking about! I could never like that baka!" I screeched with a cherry red face. Cecil chuckled and placed a hand on my head. I sent him a harsh glare. "Remove your hand," I growled darkly. Cecil sweatdropped and laughed nervously before removing his hand.

"I'm just saying, princess. You say one thing but your jealousy says something completely different," he lightly smiled.

"S-sh-shut up. I-it-it's n-no-not l-li-like I-I w-wa-want t-to," I stuttered. "J-just wh-what am I-I s-supposed t-to d-do? H-he's s-such a-a b-baka, fl-flirting w-wi-with a-all th-those g-girls,"

"If you'd like little lamb, we could talk this out," I instantly tense up knowing exactly who said that. With that Cecil took his leave and it was just the flirt himself and I. "I am shocked though. Never would have thought you would have fallen for me. Truly is surprising considering you're such a tsundere," Ren chuckles.

"I-I-I don't know what you're talking about! I'm not a tsundere!" I stammered a little. 'H-how d-dare h-he c-ca-call m-me th-that! I swear I'm gonna-' My thoughts were cut off due to an odd feeling appearing on my cheek. I blink a few times trying to register what had just happened. I looked at Ren to see him winking at me.

"Don't worry, I love you too, tsundere lamb," If my face was red before it's pure scarlet now. 

"S-sh-shut u-up b-baka! I squeaked hugging him. "Fl-flirt with any other girl and I'll kill you, got it?"

"Of course, my lady," 

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