Kuro X Lolita Eve Reader (Servamp)

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"Oh, Kuro-chan!" I sang as I skipped over to my servamp. Kuro lifts up his kitty head and looks at me lazily.

"You're such a pain," the black cat groaned. He put his head back down and went back to sleep. I let out a childish pout as I puffed out my cheeks.

"Kuku-chan!" I whined. "It's mean to ignore your eve," The black cat transformed into his vampire form and sat up lazily.

"What do you want, (y/n)?" I squealed and pounced on the blue-haired vampire. His crimson orbs widened in shock from my sudden action. 

"I just want cuddles," I giggled cutely as I nuzzled against his chest. Kuro lightly blushed and pat my head. "I love you, my lazy kitten," I cooed.

"I love you too...Even if you're a major pain," the lazy vampire mumbled. I nuzzle more against his chest and made cute sounds. Kuro purred and wrapped his arms around my waist. I lift my head and look deep into his crimson eyes, He does the same to my (e/c) orbs and we both lean in for a soft sweet kiss.

We pulled back and pressed our foreheads together. "Kuro?" I called. "What caused you to choose me as your eve? Out of all the humans in the world, why did you choose me?" Kuro let out a small sigh and gave me a small smile.

"At first, it was because you're less of a pain than most other humans. Then as we grew closer, I started to fall for you," he explained as he lazily kissed my forehead.

"Awww, Kuro!" I squealed happily. 'I don't know how I could live in this world if I hadn't have met you, my lazy vampire.'

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